Discussion: Theory Approach  Methods

Discussion: Theory Approach  Methods

Discussion: Theory Approach  Methods

Application 2

Begin Theory, Approach, Methods

This assignment will bring together your learning from this week and Week 4 regarding theory, approach, and methods. You will begin the assignment this week, and then add to it next week and submit it to your Instructor. You do not need to submit anything this week; instead, you will submit this portion of your research plan next week.


This assignment relates to the Qualitative Research Plan, which is your Final Project for this course. It is based on the following Walden Dissertation Rubric criteria:

·  “Design describes which qualitative tradition or paradigm will be used. The choice of paradigm is justified, with explanations why other likely choices would be less effective” (Chapter 3, item 2)

·  “[I]n qualitative studies the conceptual framework shows which ideas from the literature ground the research being conducted” (Chapter 1, item 6)

The assignment is also based on the following Walden Dissertation Prospectus criteria:

·  “[D]escribe theories or prior research related to research problem or area of inquiry”

To prepare for the Application this week:

·  Revise or refine your research questions for your Qualitative Research Plan (Final Project) as needed.

·  Develop a theoretical or conceptual framework for your Qualitative Research Plan and justify using it.

·  Based on your refined research questions and conceptual framework, which qualitative approach is the best fit to answer the research questions? What is the #2 choice, and why? What is the #3 choice, and why? (Note: Your choice does not need to be one of the five approaches presented by Creswell.)

Theory, Approach, Methods

For this week’s Application, you will add to and submit the assignment that you began last week in Application 2. This assignment brings together your learning in Weeks 3 and 4 regarding theory, approach, and methods. This assignment requires you to relate the theories to the approaches and methods you will use for the Qualitative Research Plan, which is your Final Project for this course.

To prepare for this Application:

·  Based on the approach you selected last week, how will theory be applied to the study? In other words, how will theory influence the decisions related to methodology—data collection and data analysis?

·  Add this information to the Application you started last week.

The assignment:

·  Craft a 5- to 7-page paper in which you do the following:


o  Select and justify a theoretical or conceptual framework for a qualitative research plan.

o  Align and justify the alignment of theory, qualitative approach, and methodology for a qualitative study.

Required Resources

·  Course Text: Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach


o  Chapter 3, “Conceptual Framework: What Do You Think Is Going On?”
This week, you will review your Week 3 reading about concept mapping, experiential knowledge, prior theory and research, pilot and exploratory studies, and thought experiments.

·  Course Text: Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches

o  Chapter 2, “Philosophical, Paradigm, and Interpretive Frameworks”
In this chapter, you will review several philosophical assumptions and interpretive communities. This reading is a review from Week 3.

·  Course Text: Patton, M. Q. (2015).Qualitative research & evaluation methods(4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

o  Chapter 3, “Variety in Qualitative Inquiry: Theoretical Orientations,” pp. 100-144 

In this excerpt from Chapter 3, you will review theoretical theoretical traditions and orientations. This reading is a review from Week 3.

Research Toolkit

·  Handouts


o  Walden Dissertation Rubric
Available from http://researchcenter.waldenu.edu/
The Dissertation Rubric is a Word document linked in the section for PhD Dissertation Process and Documents.

o  Walden Qualitative DissertationsThis document directs you to dissertations in the Walden Library that use a variety of qualitative approaches and disciplines.

Optional Resources

·  Course Text: Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches


o  Chapter 5, “Five Different Qualitative Studies”
Chapter 5 presents five qualitative studies of different types: a narrative-biographical study, a phenomenological study, a grounded theory study, an ethnography, and a case study.

***Here is my Topic in which to base the literature search and annotated bibliography (You are welcome to refine the research questions to meet a qualitative approach):

Research Problem

Payment for service delivery in healthcare has become a critical factor in offering treatment to post-care patients. Resource usage and cost factors have become critical in the ways in which treatment is given to patients (Baggot & Edeburn, 2015). The current situations are associated with the introduction of Obama Care Act and other health reforms that are aimed at providing low costs service as well as reaching a high number of patients who benefit from medical services (Barber, 2012). Different research works are attempting to promote the bundle pay system as a way of increasing service quality and cost reduction.  Bundled payment involves incidences in which a single payment is made for all the processes and procedures conducted towards the treatment of a particular disease (Chow, 2014).

Single bundled payment can be through all flow of patient in the whole life cycle of phases of medication for elder who is over 65years. Bundled cost modelling will be developed that examine different scenarios or cases which can be as follows

1)  Cost Estimator Model 1 – that coccus on acute care impatient. Cost Estimator Model will concentrate on acute quality care provided for inpatient hospitalization.

2)  Cost Estimator Model 2 – it is a retrospective model that will look at all costs associated with the care and adjusted from the target/budget price.

3)  Cost Estimator Model3 – that will work on paying a large sum of the total medical treatment phases and that will include all services provided by the physicians, hospital, physicians, and other consultants and specialist.

The research will also examine first the most critical illness by looking at number of patients admitted in last 2-5 years and develop a Pareto chart to choose three of them to carry out the above indicated models (Berg, 2011).

The goal of this research is to gain some knowledge on the possible effects of bundled payment through examination of studies. It aims at developing the possible influences that bundled payment system has had on service and quality on post care patients and closing the gap on negative influences. Other factors that are intended for achievement of low cost and cost reduction factors that would be involved since the adoption of the bundled payment system. Discussion: Theory Approach  Methods

Method of Approach

The research method that will be adopted here will be Triangulation, where the investigation or the research design will use qualitative research to verify quantitative research findings (Berg, 2011).



Berg, B. L., Lune, H., & Lune, H. (2011). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences (Vol. 5). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Barber, (2012). U.S. Patent No. 4,858,121. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Baggot, D. and Edeburn, A. (2015). “Mandated Bundled Payments Compel Hospitals to Rethink Post-Acute Care”. Healthcare Financ ial Management: Journal Of The Healthcare Financial Management Association.

Chow, L. (2013). “Hospital Puts Docs On the Spot to Lower Costs”. NPR. Retrieved June 13, 2016.