Capella University Violent Crimes in Georgia Paper
Literature Review
In this assignment, synthesize theory, research, and practice to build a conceptual framework for the problem. The sources you select for your literature review must be valid and reliable. You may want to refer to the library’s Think Critically About Source Quality tutorial again as you consider the validity and reliability of the literature you select and review.
Your literature review must include two parts:
- Review classical or historical literature on theory, research, and statistics surrounding the problem, past approaches to solving the problem, and related historical criminal justice policies.
- Examine the ways that historical policies used to address the problem have influenced or affected social change and community improvements.
- Investigate theories, styles, and models in criminal justice (and other disciplines) that have been used to address the problem.
- Review contemporary research and statistics, current approaches to the problem, recent empirical data, current criminal justice policies in place, and current applications of leadership theories, styles, and models used to address the problem. This contemporary research must be within the past 3–5 years.
- Examine the ways that contemporary policies used to address the problem have influenced or affected social change and community improvements. Once you have reviewed this information, use it to challenge the theoretical framework in Part 1.
- Evaluate the impact of contemporary research, approaches, data, policies on social change and community improvements to discover the relationship between the classical and contemporary information.
Overall, use a multicultural perspective and apply your personal, social, and professional ethics to decide what avenues to investigate. In other words, to address issues pertaining to specific populations, you must examine research conducted with that specific population or culture.
For more information on research, refer to the Library Research Handbook. For guidelines on writing a literature review, refer to the Capella Online Writing Center’s Principles and Procedures for Writing a Literature Review.
- Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- Style and formatting: Be sure to use proper APA style for your in-text citations and references. Also, use proper APA formatting to layout your paper (for example, running headers, double-spaced and indented paragraphs, Times Roman 12-point font, and 1-inch margins). Refer to APA Style and Format for more information.
- Number of pages: Your assignment must be a minimum of 10 pages. This page requirement does not include the list of references or any appendices you may include.
- Resources: Your ideas must be supported with recent, scholarly sources that are properly cited and referenced in APA Style.
- Writing assistance is available through the Capella Writing Center or Smarthinking, the free, online writing tutorial and review service.