Program Evaluation Plan Part 2: The Research Design
[Author First Name MI. Last Name]
Capella University
Program Evaluation Plan Part 2: The Research Design
This is your paper’s introduction (one paragraph). An effective introduction prepares the reader by identifying the purpose of the paper and providing the organization of the paper. Note, however, that this paragraph does not have a heading; its position at the beginning of the body of the paper indicates that it is the introduction. Instead, include the title of your paper centered at the top of the page, not bolded. In the body of your paper, indent the first line of each paragraph. Double space throughout (with no extra spaces between paragraphs) and use 12-point Times New Roman. For the purposes of this assignment, simply replace this text with a brief paragraph in your own words stating what this paper will cover, thus cuing the reader as to what will follow.
Evaluation of [Name of Your Hypothetical Program]
Within the brackets immediately above, provide the hypothetical name of the clinical mental health counseling program you will be evaluating—then delete the brackets. In this paragraph, briefly restate and describe the program for which you are planning an evaluation. Review the needs of program and its clients (as determined in your hypothetical needs assessment).
Evaluation Design
In this paragraph, state research designs that will be used for your program evaluation. Present the questions that the research and data analysis for this program evaluation are designed to answer. At least one question should require qualitative methods to answer, and at least one should require quantitative methods to answer.
Additionally, describe the sample of individuals who will contribute data to this evaluation. They might be all individuals who participate in a program during a specific period of time or all individuals who receive a particular type of treatment (or who are on a waiting list) during a certain time frame. This section should be approximately one page in length.
Selected Measures of Outcomes
Describe the desired outcomes of the program that you will be evaluating. At least part of your evaluation plan must determine whether the program is achieving its desired outcomes. Present and describe the qualitative and quantitative measures you will use, along with the information they will provide you. The measures you select, when administered and analyzed, should provide answers to the questions of the evaluation.
Discuss how you will ascertain the cultural appropriateness of the outcomes that are to be assessed. Additionally, review the cultural appropriateness of the measures that will be used to assess the outcomes. Include information about whether the measures have been established as valid for the populations to whom you will administer the instruments.
You may wish to use subheadings for each measure in this section. Alternatively, you may wish to organize this section around the key questions that the measures will help you assess. In total, this section will be approximately two pages.
Data Collection Plan
Describe how the individuals who will provide data for this evaluation will be contacted and how they will be invited to participate. Additionally, include a description of how consent will be obtained. Construct and describe a plan that will conform to ethical guidelines for research. Include details about where data will be collected and by whom, and how it will be handled once collected. This section will be approximately one or two pages in length.
Data Analysis Plan
In this section, state how evaluation questions will be answered by the application of specific statistical techniques on particular aspects of the quantitative data collected with your chosen measures. Additionally, state how other evaluation questions will be answered by application of qualitative data analysis procedures. This section will be approximately one page in length.
Reliability, Validity, and Credibility Considerations
Discuss the potential issues that might impact the reliability of the measures and the validity of the conclusions based upon the data collection and data analysis in the proposed evaluation. Discuss how you will ensure credibility of conclusions based on the qualitative aspects of your planned evaluation. Demonstrate in your writing that you understand each of these terms and how they apply to all aspects of your planned evaluation. This section will be approximately one page in length.
(Include the sources that you cited, using hanging indentation. The reference below provides example citations for an article and for a book. Consult your APA manual for proper examples on citing and referencing APA style. The Capella Writing Center also has helpful tutorials.)
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume # (issue #), xx–xx.
Royse, D., Thyer, B. A., & Padgett, D. K. (2010). Program evaluation: An introduction (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.