Ashford University Recommended Hiring Plan Research Paper

Ashford University Recommended Hiring Plan Research Paper

Ashford University Recommended Hiring Plan Research Paper

Prepare a 3-4-page hiring plan with your recommended course of action and analysis for filling a difficult position in the provided scenario.

Recruiting supports an organization’s short-, mid-, and long-term human capital needs. It can be a very easy and straightforward process, depending on the region, market, and the field of work. In some fields, prospective employees are readily accessible, and the organization will have the ability to select among a broad group of well-qualified candidates. In other fields, generating potential applicants will be very hard as they are not present, or if they are present, the competition among businesses in the market will be a challenge.


The nature of work is so very different from job-to-job and organizational role to organizational role. Each is important and makes valuable but very different organizational contributions. The field of HR studies the nature of work to attract and select the best applicants, and HR professionals follow SHRM’s behavioral competencies to support their decision making and, in this assessment’s scenario, to find a successful resolution to a hiring challenge.



10/11/2020 Assessment 1 Instructions: HR Challenge: A Difficult Position … Course Navigation  Tutorials MarniLog Swain Support Out FACULTY  Alexa Myre Bryan Nickerson COACH  Assessment 1 Instructions: HR Challenge: A Difficult Position to Fill Prepare a 3-4-page hiring plan with your recommended course of action and analysis for filling a difficult position in the provided scenario. Recruiting supports an organization’s short-, mid-, and long-term human capital needs. It can be a very easy and straightforward process, depending on the region, market, and the field of work. In some fields, prospective employees are readily accessible, and the organization will have the ability to select among a broad group of well-qualified candidates. In other fields, generating potential applicants will be very hard as they are not present, or if