Capella University Laws and FFH Recruitment Strategy Research Paper

Capella University Laws and FFH Recruitment Strategy Research Paper

Capella University Laws and FFH Recruitment Strategy Research Paper

The following is the assessment from a professor that I received. I want to correct the areas that I did not get a distinguished grade in Which was Criteria 2 and Criteria 3. Criteria 2 just needs to be developed more in detail and 3 was missing completely. I uploaded the completed paper so you can see how it flows.


Thank you for your help

Criteria 2

Assess laws that impact FFH’s (or a selected organization’s) recruiting strategy.

(20%)  Apply legal standards in human resource management decision making and practice.       


Rebecca. You MET THE OBJECTIVE for this section as you (a) included a section in your paper dedicated to this grading criterion; and (b) evidenced that you researched and evaluated state-based employment and labor laws that could positively or negatively impact the company’s decision to locate its stores. An example that you evidenced this with was:


There are many laws and regulations that can impact a recruitment plan. These laws are not only at a federal level but at a state and local level also. Federal laws impact all states the same so when doing a comparison across states, the recruitment plan will under federal guidelines will be much the same with the exception of some changes to the affirmative action plan which will mirror the demographics of the area. When designing our strategy, we would want to make sure we follow The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 which prevents employers from discriminating against anyone over the age of 40 in their hiring practices. All three cities have similar percentages of those with disability, between 8% and 10%. (U.S. Census, 2019) However, the Americans with Disabilities Act impacts all employers no matter how high or low the percentage is and we must realize that we have to make reasonable accommodations for anyone who has a disability and again we cannot discriminate against them in our hiring practices. (Capella University, 2019). While hourly rates are set amounts for each position, we must be careful that raises and salaries do not unfairly impact women due the Equal Pay Act which makes it illegal for pay disparity based on women. A new issue we must be sensitive to going forward based of a recent Supreme Court ruling is Title VII protects all minorities including transgenders. Along with the above mentioned we must also make sure that are strategy complies with

• The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Act of 1994 outlines the reemployment rights of veterans.

• The Family and Medical Leave Act defines which personnel are entitled to take job-protected, unpaid leave for specific medical and family purposes

(U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, 2012).

As we develop our strategy, it will include steps that will keep FFH within the legal guidelines of federal law.

Criteria 3

Analyze resources for recruiting minorities.


Develop strategies to address HR needs and opportunities for a multicultural and inclusive workforce.



Does not describe resources for recruiting minorities.



Describes but does not analyze resources for recruiting minorities.



Analyzes resources for recruiting minorities.



Analyzes resources for recruiting minorities and summarizes the resources that match hiring needs.


Rebecca. You did not include a section in your paper to address this grading criterion. Dr. DiBenedetto



ASSESSMENT 1: STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT FPX 5310 June 24, 2020 Strategic Recruitment Plan Rebecca M Smith Capella University Assessment 1: Strategic Human Resources Management FPX 5310 S T R AT E G I C R E C R U I T M E N T P L A N INTRODUCTION The retail store, Fleet, Farm and Home (FFH) is a chain in the Midwest that has a presence in six states. FFH supplies Midwesterners with a variety of hardware, agricultural, automotive and domestic goods. Customer services is considered to be at a gold standard level by its loyal customers owing to the superior customer service training their workforce receives. As with most retail chains, FFH often encounters challenges in the recruitment and retainment of quality people for positions they have open within their workforce. They are also faced with challenges in creating care