Diversity and the Media Assignment
<p “=””>For this assignment, choose one news media program or article that deals with an issue related to the variables we are exploring in this course: race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or social class. Examples of acceptable media include a newspaper article, a radio program, or a local or national television news segment. These can be obtained via the Capella library or online. Feel free to choose a topic that is either domestic or global in content as long as it comes from a reputable news source, such as a local or national newspaper, CNN, Reuters, National Public Radio, BBC, and so on.
Additional Instructions:
Include the following components in your essay:
- Briefly, in one or two paragraphs, summarize the main events or issues in your article. Clarify how the event or issue connects to this course.
- Compare and contrast how minority and dominant groups are portrayed in your chosen media article or program. Think about how your article or program demonstrates this dominant/minority group differentiation. For example, is there differentiation along racial or ethnic lines or other variables, such as gender or social class?
- Of the theories covered so far in the course, which seem most appropriate to understanding the events in your chosen article? Why? Include relevant examples from the article or program to illustrate your points. Examples of theories include Marx’s and Weber’s theories of inequality, Park’s race relations cycle, Gordon’s theory of assimilation, human capital theory, scapegoat hypothesis, theory of authoritarian personality, split labor market theory, the contact hypothesis, the Noel hypothesis, the Blauner hypothesis, and the culture of poverty theory.
- Discuss how one or more of Merton’s four categories of prejudice and discrimination apply to the article or program you chose.
- In your conclusion (one paragraph), suggest a viable strategy for improving relationships among the groups that are portrayed in your news article or program.
<p “=””>Special Instructions:
<p “=””>Create a 3 page essay in APA format according to the instructions above. Use 3 academically sources for references including the specific article or program you primarily use for the essay. Utilize in-text citations.