MHRM6900 Walden University Amazon Annual Human Resources Operating Plan Paper

MHRM6900 Walden University Amazon Annual Human Resources Operating Plan Paper

MHRM6900 Walden University Amazon Annual Human Resources Operating Plan Paper

The strategic plan of a company or organization drives the writing of the operating plans of every department, and once written, based on that strategic plan, operating plans drive the direction of each department’s planned work in supporting their organization while maintaining alignment with the organization’s mission, vision, and its business strategies.


This week you begin finalizing an Annual Human Resources Operating Plan for the organization you chose in Week 1, pulling in content already written in previous assignments. The whole purpose is to write academic introductions using your references provided in this course, for every single section and creating your full Reference page required in Section 7. Refer to and use the Week 7 Template that has been modified to fit this week’s work.

Access the modified Template template for this week in this week’s Learning Resources. The sequence and numbering of Key Section Headings cannot be altered. On the other hand, the template contains detailed instructions for each section, which, after reading, you should delete all these prompts and instructions.

Also included in the Learning Resources is a flowchart that gives you a visual representation of an Annual Human Resources Operating Plan, which provides context for your work.

To complete this Assignment, populate EACH SECTION HEADING (1-6) of the modified Annual Human Resources Operating Plan for the Human Resource Department/Division template creating an academic introduction that draws upon your assigned/academic readings in this course to create context for any reader of this plan.

Complete the following:

  • Based on the work you have done to date – the brief research on the organization from Week 1, together with required weekly course readings – write an academic introduction for each Key Section (1-6 Section Headings) and for 1.1. 1.2, 4.1, and 4.2 Sub-Headings using the Week 5 Template. This initial content for each section and sub-section, will immediately create the minimum requirement of 10-15 references for your References.

Note: This initial draft completes much of the Capstone Project, leading you directly to focusing on the heart of the plan, i.e., Section 4 HR Strategies and the 6-7 Key Action Steps required for each strategy. The strategies and action steps are the CORE of any plan, and writing these is where your wisdom and understanding of your HR program really is demonstrated.

The final version of your Annual Human Resources Operating Plan will be due in Week 7, so this week’s initial draft allows you to receive early feedback which will be exceptionally helpful in ensuring your success with the Capstone Project by providing an opportunity for any needed adjustments prior to that time.

I am attaching the template that must be used for this assignment and all the assignments that I have completed thus far to assist with this assignment. I am also attaching a sample of how an Annual Human Resource Operating Plan should look as a guide. Please do not copy anything from the sample plan.



Identifying Gaps at Amazon Corporation Ki’Sha Jones Walden University Dr. Walker MHRM 6900 July 14, 2019 Identifying Gaps at Amazon Corporation Conducting detailed analysis of the internal and external environment of a company or department is an invaluable method of identifying gaps and areas that need improvement. The SWOT analysis is an invaluable tool in corporate internal and external analyses (Mennen, 2010). Apart from that, gap identification when focusing on the strategies and outcomes of the strategies put in place at a company is another effective way of identifying gaps. Setting clear the strategies employed at the corporate level in comparison with the strategies set out at the department level helps to identify the root cause of a problem in a company. Gap identification is a core growth strategy for companies and