Walden University Hillsboro Case Study Strategic Management Plan

Walden University Hillsboro Case Study Strategic Management Plan

Walden University Hillsboro Case Study Strategic Management Plan


Provide a 2-page draft high level outline of a strategic plan for Hillsboro Case Study. The outline should include the following:

  1. Strategic Management Plan
    1. Mission statement (provided in the case study)
    2. Vision statement
    3. Core values
      1. Value #1
      2. Value #2
      3. Value #3
      4. Value #4
      5. Value #5
    4. SWOT analysis
      1. Strengths
        1. #1
        2. #2
        3. #3
      2. Weaknesses
        1. #1
        2. #2
        3. #3
      3. Opportunities
        1. #1
        2. #2
        3. #3
      4. Threats
        1. #1
        2. #2
        3. #3
    5. Grand strategies or long-term strategic priorities (3–5)
      1. Strategic Priority #1
      2. Strategic Priority #2
      3. Strategic Priority #3
      4. Strategic Priority #4
      5. Strategic Priority #5
  2. Operational and Tactical Plan (for each Strategic Priority listed above)
    1. Strategic Priority #1 (2–4)
      1. Operational/Tactical Objective #1
      2. Operational/Tactical Objective #2
      3. Operational/Tactical Objective #3
      4. Operational/Tactical Objective #4
    2. Strategic Priority #2 (2–4)
      1. Operational/Tactical Objective #1
      2. Operational/Tactical Objective #2
      3. Operational/Tactical Objective #3
      4. Operational/Tactical Objective #4
    3. Strategic Priority #3 (2–4)
      1. Operational/Tactical Objective #1
      2. Operational/Tactical Objective #2
      3. Operational/Tactical Objective #3
      4. Operational/Tactical Objective #4
    4. Strategic Priority #4 (2–4)
      1. Operational/Tactical Objective #1
      2. Operational/Tactical Objective #2
      3. Operational/Tactical Objective #3
      4. Operational/Tactical Objective #4
    5. Strategic Priority #5
      1. Operational/Tactical Objective #1
      2. Operational/Tactical Objective #2
      3. Operational/Tactical Objective #3
      4. Operational/Tactical Objective #4
  3. Evaluation Plan
  4. Change management plan, including the following:
    1. The size of the change and its impact on the community and the organization
    2. The organization’s readiness for change
    3. Change management strategy
    4. Team structure and responsibilities
    5. Champion roles and responsibilities
    6. Planning and implementation
    7. Communications plan
    8. Resistance management plan
    9. Training plan
    10. Incentives and celebration of key milestones and successes
    11. Timeline/schedule of activities
    12. Budget for change management



T he Hillsboro County Home Health Agency (HCHHA), originally named the Middleboro Home Health Agency, was founded in 1946 as a nonprofit home health agency to provide healthcare services to the area’s population. Three years ago, in conjunction with establishing an office in Jasper, the organization changed its name to reflect better its countywide orientation. Today, it is the only Medicare-certified home health agency in Hillsboro County. The Joint Com­ mission also accredits it. MISSION “The mission of HCHHA is co serve individuals in their usual environments and is concerned with well people as well as people with illness or disabilities. We strive co prevent disease or co retard its progress and to reduce the ill effects of unavoidable disease. We provide quality nursing and therapeu­ tic care co the noninstitutionalized sick and