EDUC 6263 Walden University Using Data to Improve Performance Discussion

EDUC 6263 Walden University Using Data to Improve Performance Discussion

EDUC 6263 Walden University Using Data to Improve Performance Discussion

Whenever there are concerns about student performance, there are a variety of ways to address the situation. Some approaches are more productive than others. Use what you have learned about best practices and higher education organizations to respond to the following scenario:



  • The Provost has just been informed that the success rate for students taking College Algebra has fallen from 57% to 48%—a 9% drop in one year. This is a matter of grave concern since College Algebra is a gatekeeper course; in other words, all students must successfully complete it in order to obtain a degree, but it typically suffers from a low pass rate.
  • There are five College Algebra instructors. Three are full-time; two are adjuncts. The instructors’ teaching styles, interaction with students, and use of active learning strategies vary considerably.
  • The Provost needs to do something to reverse the downward trend as soon as possible and she comes to you for advice on how to use the data to stimulate positive change (as opposed to finger-pointing).


Post your recommendations about how to use the data to increase the College Algebra pass rate. Present a strategy for accomplishing your goal without alienating or antagonizing faculty members.


Article: Jankowski, N. A., Timmer, J. D., Kinzie, J., & Kuh, G. D. (2018). Assessment that matters: Trending toward practices that document authentic student learning. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA), Retrieved from…


Ewell, P. T. (2001). Accreditation and student learning outcomes: A proposed point of departure (Occasional paper). Washington, DC: Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

Article: McClenney, K. M., McClenney, B. N., & Peterson, G. F. (2007). A culture of evidence: What is it? Do we have one?. Planning for Higher Education, 35(3), 26–33. Retrieved from…
©2007 Society for College and University Planning. Used with permission from Society for College and University Planning via The Copyright Clearance Center.

Article: Johnstone, R., & Hasson, C. (2010). BRIC technical assistance program inquiry guide: Assessing strategic intervention points in student services. Retrieved from…