Walden University Qualitative Reasoning & Analysis Social Change Research Paper
Walden University Qualitative Reasoning & Analysis Social Change Research Paper
- Data Sources—briefly describe each data source including location, duration of data collection, how data were recorded, and unusual circumstances.
- Two Scholars of Change videos
- One phone interview
- Resources from the Walden social change website
- Instrumentation—briefly describe the type of instrumentation you used for your data collection.
- Who developed each data collection tool and what is the date of publication?
- Where and with which participant group has it been used previously?
- How appropriate is it for current study and include whether modifications will be or were needed?
- Data Analysis—based on the data sources in “A.”, provide a detailed analysis to include the following:
- Report the process used to move inductively from coded units to larger representations including categories and themes.
- Describe the specific codes, categories, and themes that emerged from the data using quotations as needed to emphasize their importance.
- 1st cycle—describe, give examples.
- 2nd cycle—describe, give examples/moving from codes to categories.
- Identify themes—provide examples and illustrate your results with a figure or a chart.
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 145 (2019) 195–206 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Technological Forecasting & Social Change journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/techfore Transformative social innovation and (dis)empowerment a,⁎ a b c d e Flor Avelino , Julia M. Wittmayer , Bonno Pel , Paul Weaver , Adina Dumitru , Alex Haxeltine , René Kempc, Michael S. Jørgensenf, Tom Baulerb, Saskia Ruijsinkg, Tim O’Riordane T a DRIFT, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium ICIS, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands d University A Coruña, Spain e University of East Anglia, United Kingdom f Aalborg University, Denmark g IHS, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands b c ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: Transformative social innovation Governance Empowerment