Walden University Qualitative Reasoning & Analysis Social Change Research Paper

Walden University Qualitative Reasoning & Analysis Social Change Research Paper

Walden University Qualitative Reasoning & Analysis Social Change Research Paper
  • Data Sources—briefly describe each data source including location, duration of data collection, how data were recorded, and unusual circumstances.
    • Two Scholars of Change videos
    • One phone interview
    • Resources from the Walden social change website
  • Instrumentation—briefly describe the type of instrumentation you used for your data collection.
    1. Who developed each data collection tool and what is the date of publication?
    2. Where and with which participant group has it been used previously?
    3. How appropriate is it for current study and include whether modifications will be or were needed?
  • Data Analysis—based on the data sources in “A.”, provide a detailed analysis to include the following:
    • Report the process used to move inductively from coded units to larger representations including categories and themes.
    • Describe the specific codes, categories, and themes that emerged from the data using quotations as needed to emphasize their importance.
      1. 1st cycle—describe, give examples.
      2. 2nd cycle—describe, give examples/moving from codes to categories.
      3. Identify themes—provide examples and illustrate your results with a figure or a chart.




Technological Forecasting & Social Change 145 (2019) 195–206 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Technological Forecasting & Social Change journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/techfore Transformative social innovation and (dis)empowerment a,⁎ a b c d e Flor Avelino , Julia M. Wittmayer , Bonno Pel , Paul Weaver , Adina Dumitru , Alex Haxeltine , René Kempc, Michael S. Jørgensenf, Tom Baulerb, Saskia Ruijsinkg, Tim O’Riordane T a DRIFT, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium ICIS, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands d University A Coruña, Spain e University of East Anglia, United Kingdom f Aalborg University, Denmark g IHS, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands b c ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: Transformative social innovation Governance Empowerment