Palm Beach State College Wk3 Foundation Counselor & Academic Integrity Discussion
Academic integrity is honesty and responsibility in scholarship. Dishonesty in your academic writing and scholarship undermines your credibility and the ability of others to trust you with their work—and to trust you that your scholarship and research is your own work. Academic integrity is demonstrating responsibility and care about giving credit to others for their work and research, just as you would like to receive recognition and the appropriate credit for your work. Academic integrity is about reciprocal trust and honesty in all your academic pursuits.
In this week’s Blog, as you are introduced to the principle of academic integrity and examine the APA style of writing and formatting, while learning the specifics of scholarly writing, consider the accessibility of the resources and the ease or difficulty you experienced as you found and reviewed the resources.
Note: Blogs are conversational in nature and are intended to generate ideas and encourage discussion. Therefore, no APA citations of Learning Resources are required for your Blog posts. Your Blog posts need to be graduate-level from a grammar perspective.
To prepare:
- Read the material in the Learning Resources for this week related to APA and academic integrity and reflect on the benefits and challenges you experienced as you were reviewing these resources.
- Review the Laureate-produced media piece, Portrait of a Professional Counselor, in the Learning Resources.
Note: Upon reviewing the Portrait of a Professional Counselor media piece, Part 3 of the Portrait will be revealed.
Post the following to the Blog:
- Did you find navigating through the resources—and the Walden Library—challenging or were you able to navigate with ease?
- How was the accessibility to the resources?
- Were the resources useful?
Walden University. (n.d.a). APA style: Overview. Retrieved from…
Note: There are many tutorials, practice exercises, and diagnostic activities in the Walden sites. You are encouraged to review all of them to get a good overview of the APA guidelines for basic formatting, paraphrasing, peer reviewing of content, scholarly writing, and the principles of academic integrity.
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
Walden University. (n.d.c). Site search. Retrieved from…
Note: The Writing Center’s plagiarism prevention modules focus specifically on the appropriate ways writers should incorporate and cite sources they use in their writing.
The Writing Center, Walden University Library. (n.d.). Using evidence: Paraphrasing. The basics of paraphrasing. Retrieved from…
Note: Please review the various Paraphrasing Strategies Media provided at this site.
Peer Review
Walden University Library. (n.d.). Peer review. Retrieved from