CP Careers That Benefit from Biological Psychology Foundational Knowledge Essay

CP Careers That Benefit from Biological Psychology Foundational Knowledge Essay

CP Careers That Benefit from Biological Psychology Foundational Knowledge Essay

For your Study Applications assignment, you will apply learnings from the course as well as personal and professional ethics and behaviors. You will consider ways to apply your findings from your literature review and your proposed study, as well as principles, theories, and research in biological psychology to other careers outside of psychology, and to society in the form of public policy and professional practice.

To create your Study Applications, address the questions that follow. Use research findings reported in the articles you reported in Unit 7, along with other sources, such as previous readings from the course, the textbook, and additional Capella library sources to support and add depth to your answers. Your references should appear at the end of the paper. The entire paper must be in current APA style and format.



  • Identify careers, other than psychology, that might benefit from a foundational knowledge of biological psychology.
  • How can principles and theories of biological psychology be applied in professional practice in psychology and other professions?
  • Within a context of social and cultural differences, describe practical applications of biological psychology to understanding values that underlie society, and the role of ethics in social practices and behaviors.
  • How relevant has studying biological psychology been to your life, and how will you apply what you have learned in this course to your life?

Format your paper using the following headings, as well as the Study Applications Template (linked in Resources):

  • Study applications.
    • Careers.
    • Professional practice.
    • Values.
    • Future life.
  • References.

You may insert additional subheadings where necessary.


  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting. Use the Study Application Template, linked in Resources. In the final section of the assignment you are asked to apply the theories and principles of biological psychology to your own life and career. In this portion of the assignment, first-person language is acceptable; in other sections, the third-person rule continues to apply.
  • Number of resources: Minimum of 3–5 peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • Length of paper: 10–15 typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times new Roman, 12 point.



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