Healthcare Programming Project Assignment
Healthcare Programming Project Assignment
Throughout the session, you have learned about health issues that affect a certain population. In this assignment, you will apply everything you’ve learned and create a presentation about what you have learned. If we were in a traditional classroom, you would show your presentation to the class. For this assignment, only your professor will see the presentation.
Create a PowerPoint presentation about the population and health issue you focused on in Module 1. Describe the issue and the population. Discuss the extent to which the population’s behaviors, culture, genetics, or environment contribute to the issue. Include information about who has already done something to address the issue, and what has been done. Also include what can be done in the future to address the issue (and by whom).
In one slide, comment on how colleagues in your current or future health profession are (or could be) involved in addressing the issue.
Use a variety of resources for this presentation. At least two sources must come from peer-reviewed scholarly journals in Trident’s online library.
Please make the slides easy to read and visually appealing using graphics and a PowerPoint design template.
Here is a lesson about Making PowerPoint Slides:…
If you have never created a PowerPoint presentation, go to the Microsoft Office Support site at and type “create PowerPoint” in the Search box.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Length: 10–15 slides. 3 cited sources from required reading
Required Reading
Hinman, AR. (1998). Global progress in infectious disease control. Vaccine, 16(11), 1116-1121.
Kaiser Family Foundation (2013). Global Health Policy. Retrieved from This site has information that could help with your assignment.
Komatsu, R, Korenromp, EL, Low-Beer, D, Watt, C, Dye, C., Steketee, R. W, & Schwartländer, B. (2010). Lives saved by Global Fund-supported HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria programs: estimation approach and results between 2003 and end-2007. BMC Infectious Diseases, 10(1), 109.
Yu, D, Souteyrand, Y, Banda, MA, Kaufman, J, & Perriëns, JH. (2008). Investment in HIV/AIDS programs: Does it help strengthen health systems in developing countries? Globalization and Health, 4(1), 8.
Bhattacharya, S, & Dasgupta. R. (2009). A tale of two global health programs: Smallpox Eradication’s Lessons for the Anti-polio Campaign in India. American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 99, No. 7, pp. 1176-1184.
Bhutta, ZA, Darmstadt, GL, Hasan, BS, & Haws, RA. (2005). Community-based interventions for improving perinatal and neonatal health outcomes in developing countries: a review of the evidence. Pediatrics, 115 (Supplement 2), 519-617
Garrett, L. (2007). The challenge of global health. Foreign Affairs, 14-38.