University of South Florida the Story of Christopher Mc Candles Discussion

University of South Florida the Story of Christopher Mc Candles Discussion

University of South Florida the Story of Christopher Mc Candles Discussion

Stream the following movie online or rental with Red-Box, Amazon Prime , and Net Flix:

Into The Wild

Study Questions

1st Step: Please respond to each question in complete paragraph format. Be sure to cite four sources (any communication principle applicable from the text/outside sources or PPT notes thus far) and post on Online Discussion #3. This Discussion forum MUST have 4-5 well developed paragraphs. Include your views and opinion, but support. Do not provide merely opinion. Use In-text citations as direct citations or paraphrased.


1. Describe the relationship between Christopher McCandless and his parents? Why did Chris utterly reject (or did he) the upbringing he had received from them? How is closure between the parents and himself achieved by the parents after his death? Provide examples and cite communication principles from the text.

2. Cite two of the writers or naturalists that Chris referenced or read during his stay in Alaska prior to his death. Why is he so taken by these writer/authors? What is the connection to his road signature Super Tramp?

3. How does Chris feel about civilization in general? What appears to be his motivation to leave it all behind and start afresh? Can you identify with Chris? Why or why not?

2nd Step: Please be sure to respond to another threading/post with three sentence response. (NO citation in response post). Again, include references to textbook/other sources in your initial posting.

there is a Word file below that has two Students posts, these are two posts of other students, please respond to them with three sentences, and you also can take an idea or paraphrase little bit from them, but DON’T copy them please.



1- Into The Wild Study Question Into the Wild is a story about a young man Chris McCandless who just graduated from Emory University abandons everything he owns including his savings account to live in the Alaskan wilderness. He was on his way to going to Harvard law school and had over $24,000 in his savings account but after a graduation dinner with his parents who offered to buy him a new car he decides to instead get rid of all his belongings give all the money he has to a charity and set out for freedom. Chris and his parents seemed to have always had a rocky relationship. His parents seemed to be all about their materials and cared to much about having the perfect family and how other people viewed them. Once Chris graduated, he decided he no longer needed to fill that part of his life. In the film he states that “Money makes everybody