WU The Code of Ethics for Health Education Profession Ethical Issues Discussion

WU The Code of Ethics for Health Education Profession Ethical Issues Discussion

WU The Code of Ethics for Health Education Profession Ethical Issues Discussion

Item 1



  • Select one (1) of the three scenarios below.
  • Use the 10-step guide on pages 143–146 and the example of the 10 steps being applied (pages 146–148) in Cottrell, Girvan, Seabert, Spear, and McKenzie (2018) to address your selected scenario.
  • Address each of the (10) components of the 10-step guide. You should have 1 paragraph (3–5 sentences) for each step. Your 10 paragraphs should state your course of action for handling the situation.
  • Use the Basic Principles for Common Moral Ground (pages 141–142 in Cottrell et al., 2018) and the seven contextual items (listed on page 146) to help you make your decision. That is, you should mention/include those principles and items in your answer that support your decision. (Note: You are not expected to use all of them.)
  • Support your decision with at least two (2) scholarly sources.



Scenario #1
You were recently hired as the director of fitness programs at the local health department. Your predecessor left amid some tension, and you have been “playing cleanup” with his work since you started. Many of the programs that are under your purview are funded by a grant from a large foundation and come with some very specific requirements about the number of programs developed and the number of times these programs are presented to various stakeholders. As you are working through the information that was left for you, it is becoming clear that these requirements were not met. In addition, you have found evidence of a misuse of funds for a personal trip. Your manager has provided you with information from the original grant and has made it clear that your data needs to agree with the proposal data regardless of what you are finding. What will you do?. WU The Code of Ethics for Health Education Profession Ethical Issues Discussion

undefinedScenario #2
You have recently been hired as a health education specialist at your local health department. Your first assignment is to develop a program for “safer sex” practices that is aimed at the large LGBTQ+ population in your community. You grew up in a very religious family and are very hesitant about leading this project—especially since your father, who is a minister, is on the city council. In addition, you feel very uncomfortable around people who identify as LGBTQ+, as well as people who have tested positive for HIV. How will you manage the situation?

Scenario #3
You are the administrator of a large nutrition program in your community. You have been asked to gather some information about how effective your nutrition programs have been. The standard practice is to maintain programs that show results and cut those that do not. But your program has only been active for 1 year. You don’t feel that it is fair to you or your program to judge based on data at this time, because it is too early to see the kind of results that management wants to see. You are the only person who has access to the numbers, and no one would be able to check the accuracy of the data. What will you do to manage this situation?



undefinedEnter your response here.





Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Module 1: Ethical Theories and Principles
Define the problem, identify the ethical issues, and gather relevant information in response to the scenario.


LO1.1: Identify information about ethical issues in a scenario.

Response is not present. Response provides an unclear, inaccurate, or incomplete description of the problem or the ethical issues in the scenario. Response clearly, accurately, and completely identifies the problem presented in the scenario, as well as the ethical issues associated.
Identify who will be affected by the ethical decision being made in the scenario.


LO1.2: Identify individuals impacted by ethical decision-making.

Response is not present. Response provides an unclear, inaccurate, or incomplete description of the individuals impacted by the ethical decision being made in the scenario. Response clearly, accurately, and completely identifies the various people who are impacted by the ethical decision being made in the scenario.
Contemplate the ultimate goals and ideals for which you as a moral person are striving, as it relates to the selected scenario.


LO1.3: Analyze the ultimate goals and ideals of a moral person in the ethical decision-making process.

Response is not present. Response provides an unclear, inaccurate, or incomplete description of the ultimate goals and ideals for which you as a moral person are striving, as it relates to the selected scenario. Response clearly, accurately, and completely describes the ultimate goals and ideals for which you as a moral person are striving, as it relates to the selected scenario.
Identify the alternatives (viable courses of action) to solving the issue in the selected scenario.


LO1.4: Identify viable courses of action in the ethical decision-making process.

Response is not present. Response provides an unclear, inaccurate, or incomplete description of the viable courses of action to solving the issue in the selected scenario. Response clearly, accurately, and completely describes each of the viable courses of action to solving the issue in the selected scenario.
Consider the probable consequences of each of the alternatives (viable courses of action) to solving the issue in the selected scenario.


LO1.5: Analyze probable consequences of different courses of action in the ethical decision-making process.

Response is not present. Response provides an unclear, inaccurate, or incomplete description of the probable consequences associated with each of the alternatives (courses of action) in the selected scenario. Response clearly, accurately, and completely describes the probable consequences associated with each of the alternatives (courses of action) in the selected scenario.
Consider the nature of each alternative (course of action) to solving the issue in the selected scenario.


LO1.6: Analyze the nature of various courses of action in the ethical decision-making process.

Response is not present. Response provides an unclear, inaccurate, or incomplete description of the nature of each alternative (course of action) to solving the issue in the selected scenario. Response clearly, accurately, and completely describes the nature of each alternative (course of action) to solving the problem in the selected scenario.
Reflect on yourself and how your decision will impact you as a moral person, as it relates to the selected scenario.


LO1.7: Analyze personal decision-making as it relates to ethical situations.

Response is not present. Response provides an unclear or incomplete description of how your decision will impact you as a moral person, as it relates to the selected scenario. Response clearly and completely describes how your decision will impact you as a moral person, as it relates to the selected scenario.
Reflect on whether your decision will mesh with society and the environment, as it relates to the selected scenario.


LO1.8: Analyze the impact of ethical decision-making on society and environment.

Response is not present. Response provides an unclear, inaccurate, or incomplete explanation of whether your decision will mesh with society and the environment, as it relates to the selected scenario. Response clearly, accurately, and completely explains whether your decision will mesh with society and the environment, as it relates to the selected scenario.
Apply the categorical imperative to the selected scenario.


LO1.9: Apply the categorial imperative to ethical decision-making.

Response is not present. Response provides an unclear, inaccurate, or incomplete application of the categorial imperative to the selected scenario. Response clearly, accurately, and completely applies the categorial imperative to the selected scenario.
Choose an alternative (course of action), provide a rationale for your choice, and explain how you would monitor the results of your decision, as it relates to the scenario.


LO1.10: Justify the selection of a course of action in the ethical decision-making process.

Response is not present. Response provides an unclear, inaccurate, or incomplete justification of the selection of one alternative (course of action) and how that decision would be monitored, as it relates to the selected scenario. Response clearly, accurately, and completely justifies the selection of one of the alternatives (courses of action) and how that decision would be monitored, as it relates to the selected scenario.
Support your decision with at least 2 scholarly sources.


LO1.11: Reference scholarly sources.

Response is not present. Response includes improper format, or less than two (2) sources are referenced. Response includes at least two (2) references for scholarly sources in proper APA format.


Item 2

undefinedFor each of the three scenarios in Item 1, indicate which article(s) and section(s) in the 2011 “Code of Ethics for The Health Education Profession” are most applicable to the situation. Explain how they are applicable, providing examples, as needed. (Recommended length: 3–4 paragraphs)



undefinedEnter your response here.





Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Module 2: Professional Codes of Ethics: Ensuring Ethical Behavior
For each of the three scenarios in Item 1, indicate which article(s) and section(s) in the 2011 “Code of Ethics for The Health Education Profession” are most applicable to the situation.


LO2.1: Apply articles and sections of the 2011 “Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession” to ethical situations.

Response is not present. Response provides, unclear, inaccurate, or incomplete application of the 2011 “Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession” to the selected scenario. Response clearly, accurately, and completely applies the applicable articles and sections from the 2011 “Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession” to the selected scenario.
Explain how they are applicable, providing examples as needed.


LO2.2: Justify the selection of articles and sections in the 2011 “Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession” to ethical situations.

Response is not present. Response provides an unclear, inaccurate, or incomplete justification of the application of the articles and sections of the 2011 “Code of Ethics for the Health Education Professions” to the selected scenario. Response clearly, accurately, and completely justifies the application of articles and sections of the 2011 “Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession” to the selected ethical scenario.



PU4003: Ethics in Professional Practice—Apply ethical theories, principles, and codes of ethics to professional practice. Written Response Submission Form Your Name: First and last Your E-Mail Address: Your email here Instructions Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much, as needed, to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric, which will be used to evaluate your responses. Item 1 Instructions: • • • • • Select one (1) of the three scenarios below. Use the 10-step guide on pages 143–146 and the example of the 10 steps being applied (pages 146–148) in Cottrell, Girvan, Seabert, Spear, and McKenzie (2018) to address your selected scenario. Address each of the (10) components of the 10-step guide. You should have 1 paragraph (3–5 sentences) for each step. Your 10 paragraphs should state