Capella University Mental Wellbeing and Education Paper

Capella University Mental Wellbeing and Education Paper

Capella University Mental Wellbeing and Education Paper

The template for this one is a lot more straightforward at least.


For this assessment, put together all of the pieces you have been working on throughout the course to form your research project. The Research Report Template will help you include the following in your project.


Insert the following from previous assessments into the template.

  • Introduction
    • Insert your literature review after your title. If you have not done so previously, revise your literature review based on any instructor feedback.
  • Methods
    • Participants
      • Describe the number of participants in the study, meaning, and the number of participants who responded to both variables selected.
        • Be sure to revise based on any instructor feedback you received.
    • Measures
      • Insert the measurement you chose from your research proposal.
        • Be sure to revise based on any instructor feedback you received.
        • Be sure to turn the future tense from the proposal to past tense for this assessment.
    • Procedure
      • Insert your explanation of your procedure from your research proposal.
        • Be sure to revise based on any instructor feedback you received.
        • Be sure to turn the future tense from the proposal to past tense for this assessment.
    • Results
      • Insert your statistical analysis from your data analysis assessment.
        • Be sure to revise based on any instructor feedback you received.

For this assessment, you will write the Discussion section and Summary and Conclusion section of the template. In the Discussion section, answer the following questions:

  • What do your results mean?
  • How do your results compare to what you expected?
  • How do your results compare to other research studies?
  • How can your results be generalized?
  • What were the limitations of the study?
    • Think about research validity and reliability.
  • How do your results support or not support a psychological theory or concept?


Submit the completed template as your deliverable for assessment. Be sure that you have cited all sources in APA style.



Running head: TITLE OF YOUR PAPER HERE Title of Your Paper Here Your Name Here Name of the Course Here Name of Assignment Here Capella University Month, Year 1 TITLE OF YOUR PAPER HERE 2 Abstract TITLE OF YOUR PAPER HERE 3 Title of Your Paper Here This will be your literature review you completed and revised in Weeks 2 and 4. Methods Participants This will be your description of the participants using demographic statistics you completed last week. Measures This will be from your Week 4 research proposal; be sure to turn future tense to past tense. Procedure This will be from your Week 4 research proposal; be sure to turn future tense to past tense. Results This will be your statistical analysis from last week’s assignment. Discussion You’ll need to write this part for the assignment this week. You will want to include: • What your results