Capella University Revenue and Sales Projection Discussion
- Create a 4–5-page departmental plan to address the corporate initiative of doubling sales outlined in a scenario.
- Note: The assessment in this course build upon one another and must be completed in the order presented.
- Once an activity has been planned, an astute manager will spend some significant effort to organize things before operationalizing or commencing the activity to assure that it is conducted efficiently. Are you organized? What are the hallmarks of an organized manager? What are some recognized activities or tools available to assist in the task? How does one organize people? How does one begin?
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The following resources are required to complete the assessment.
- Presentation From the CEO.(Good Afternoon one and all!I have asked all of my mangers, from the vice presidents to my department managers, to be here today, so that I can share with you an exciting vision for Atha Corporation.I have just recently completed negotiations with a venture capitalist to provide us with the financial resources necessary to achieve an unprecedented goal: to double our company sales in the next fiscal year, beginning 90 days from today.You are expected to complete this year’s business on a strong note. You will be required to develop plans to add critical equipment and staff, so that we are hitting next year’s goals from the first day of our next business cycle.Each of you will need to evaluate the organizational structure that you have now, allocate existing and new resources, both human and equipment, to provide for the greatest efficiencies and productivity possible.I have prepared a list of functional area goals for each of you to accomplish. Those goals are in the manager information packet that is available in front of you there. Each functional area vice-president will have specific goals, which are impacted by the goals, objectives, and activities of the other functional areas. You will have to work closely with each other in order to ensure company success.We have employee performance problems in most of our functional areas. You will need to evaluate the source of those problems, and develop a strategy to increase employee responses from their current levels.Working with Human Resources, you will need to properly utilize your existing staff, and hire new people to accomplish your goals.My family and I have invested everything we have into this effort… failure is not an option for us! As members of the management team, you will take your functional area goals and convert them to actionable plans in alignment with our company goals. Help them reach those goals – because their success is our success! Now, let’s get after it!)
- CEO’s Sales Goal Announcement [PDF].
- CEO’s Memo to Managers [PDF].
- Accounting and Finance Organizational Chart [DOCX].
- Operations and Production Organizational Chart [DOCX].
- Sales and Marketing Organizational Chart [DOCX].
Assessment Instructions
In this assessment, you will create a departmental plan to address the corporate initiative of doubling sales outlined in the scenario below. The scenario presented here will be applicable to the next assessment as well.
Choose one of the following functional areas with which to base your assessment work.
- Sales and marketing.
- Operations and production.
- Accounting and finance.
Note: Review each of the following resources. You will need them to complete this assessment.Imagine that your application to Atha was successful and have been working as manager for a short time in the department you chose above when the Atha CEO shares the following communications with staff:
- Presentation From the CEO.
- CEO’s Sales Goal Announcement [PDF].
- CEO’s Memo to Managers [PDF].
- Organizational charts. (Note: To meet the distinguished level for the reorganization criterion for this assessment, you will need to update one of these charts to reflect your suggested organizational changes).
Create your department’s response plan (4–5 pages) to the new corporate initiative of doubling sales and the information presented in the CEO’s Sales Goal Announcement [PDF]. Make sure to address all requirements.
Additional Requirements
Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:
- Format: Submit a professional and well-organized Word document.
- Length: 4–5 double-spaced pages.
- APA format: Use current APA style and formatting guidelines.