Capella University Applying Sociological Imagination Paper
Develop a 6-8 page reflection on your life, applying the sociological imagination and using specific sociological concepts to better understand your life experiences. Capella University Applying Sociological Imagination Paper
While we may not notice, society is constantly changing. For sociologists, social change is the continual change of society’s culture, structure, and institutions over time. Every society experiences change—it is through this change that the norms and understandings in a society become altered. Fashion is a great example of social change, as what we wear is dependent on the culture at the time. One hundred years ago it was not common for women to wear pants. Now it is perfectly acceptable. While most women are in favor of being able to wear pants, social change is sometimes not always welcome by members of a society. Can you think of any groups or organizations in the United States that are actively opposed to some kind of social change?
Most social change is the result of conflict, demographic change, and technology.
- Conflict and change: Conflict in a society (such as a war or even an election) can create significant change in a society.
- Demographic change: Changes in the make-up of a population can also affect society. As the makeup of our society in terms of sex, race, age, et cetera, changes, so do many structural and cultural elements of society. How would our society be different if most of the population was under the age of 10? Or over the age of 70?
- Ideas and Change: Technology is often a driving force behind social change and has brought significant changes to our society. Think back to twenty years ago—how different was society in terms of technology? How did that impact your everyday life? In our current time, our cell phone alarm wakes us up, we check our smart phone, make some coffee in our Keurig, remote start our car, and then use our navigation system to get us to work. This is a significantly different experience than we had twenty years ago. Capella University Applying Sociological Imagination Paper
As you reflect on your life and experiences in Assessment 6, consider how much has changed over the course of your lifetime. What are some major social changes? What do you think had changed for the better? For the worse?
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 3: Explain the significance of social inequality for the individual and society.
- Explain one’s own educational experience from a sociological perspective.
- Competency 4: Analyze the influence of culture on both the individual and society.
- Examine the impact of culture and socialization on one’s own life.
- Competency 5: Analyze the impact of social change on society and social institutions.
- Analyze the impact of social structure, social change, and groups on one’s own life.
- Explain sociological issues that affect one’s own field of study.
- Analyze the role of technology and media in one’s own life.
- Competency 6: Compose text that articulates meaning relevant to its purpose and audience.
- Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate understanding of cohesion between main and subtopics.
For this assessment, reflect on the question, “Who am I?” and conduct a micro-level analysis to explain and analyze your everyday experiences. In doing so, you will look at the impact of social forces on your individual life. Using your sociological imagination requires you to apply many of the concepts, theories, and applicable sociological understandings that you have encountered in the course.
Reflect on your everyday experiences that relate to concepts encountered in this course. For example, have you encountered any element of inequality in your life? Have you encountered any norms? Consider how a sociologist would explain these experiences.
Write an essay in which you complete all of the following:
- Introduction: Introduce yourself and what you plan on discussing in your paper.
- Culture and Socialization: Examine the impact culture and socialization has had on your life. Include the following when creating this section:
- How did you develop a sense of self?
- What agents of socialization had the biggest impact on you? How?
- How has culture influenced your life?
- Social Structure and Groups: Analyze the impact of social structure and groups on your life. Include the following:
- How have various groups (primary, secondary, reference, et cetera) guided your behavior?
- What statuses have you held? What roles have you played?
- How have social hierarchies shaped your life choices?
- Education: Explain your educational experience from a sociological perspective. In doing so, include the following:
- What major functions has education had for you?
- How has education been related to your life outcomes?
- What experiences with inequality have you had in education?
- Professional Field: Explain sociological issues that affect your field of study or the field you intend to study at this point in your education. Be sure to include any social changes that may impact your field.
- Technology and Media: Analyze the role technology and media have in your everyday life.
- What impact have new communication technologies and social media had on your life?
- What messages have the media and popular culture communicated to you?
- What role has globalization played in your life?
- Summary: Briefly describe your experience with this assessment.
- Written communication: Develop text using organization, structure, and transitions that demonstrate understanding of cohesion between main and subtopics. Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. Write in a professional style using references and correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
- Sources: Cite at least five scholarly sources.
- Length: 6-8 pages, not including title and reference pages.
- Format: Include a title page and reference page. Use in text citations to cite your sources. [Example: Writing becomes better as the child matures (Britton, Thomas, & Miller, 1996).]
- Font and size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
These resources give you examples of how concepts related to culture and socialization are applied to everyday life.
- Livingston, J. (2011, June 30). The fashion report: Names edition [Blog post]. The Society Pages: Sociological Images. Retrieved from…
- Sharp, G. (2008, July 18). Historical trends in baby names. The Society Pages. Retrieved from…
- Willow, M. (2016). Black names aren’t that simple. Contexts, American Sociological Association. 15(4), 4-9.
- Note: You will need to scroll down the page to find the “Black Names Aren’t That Simple” heading.
- Bridges, T. (2016, February 25). Why popular boy names are more popular than popular girl names [Blog post]. The Society Pages. Retrieved from…
- Bridges, T. (2014, January 1). Stop the war on pink—Let’s take a look at toys for boys [Blog post]. The Society Pages. Retrieved from…
- Wade, L. (2010, November 21). Gendered toy advertising [Blog post]. The Society Pages. Retrieved from…
- This video highlights gender advertising and questions the effects on children’s development.
- Run time: 8 minutes.
- Bailey, S. (2014, January 17). Thoughts on toys, kids and gender stereotypes [Blog post]. The Society Pages. Retrieved from…
- Pilcher, J. (2017). Names and “doing gender”: How forenames and surnames contribute to gender identities, differences, and inequalities. Sex Roles, 77(11-12), 812-822.
- Macionis, J. J. (2019). Society: The basics (15th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
- Chapter 2, “Culture,” pages 42-53 and 68-72. This chapter introduces you to the concept of culture and what elements make up culture.
- Chapter 3, “Socialization: From Infancy to Old Age,” pages 74-98. This chapter introduces you to the agents of socialization and the impact they have on our development as social beings.
- These resources help you understand the role of media and technology in our everyday lives.
- Steinke, A. J. (2018, October 24). Global media coverage of immigration: There’s research on that [Blog post]. The Society Pages: Sociological Images. Retrieved from…
- McKenzie, L. (2018). Smartphones for all students: An academic equalizer in an era of income inequality? Retrieved from…
- Macionis, J. J. (2019). Society: The basics (15th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
- Chapter 5, “Mass Media and Social Media,” pages 124-154. This chapter introduces you to the ways in which sociologists analyze media and technology.
- Chapter 17, “Social Change,” pages 524-532. This chapter helps you understand the different elements of social change and the impact social change has on individuals and society.
- These resources help you understand the hidden elements of education where sociologists focus.
- National Assessment of Educational Progress. (2017). Data tools: State profiles. Retrieved from…
- Macionis, J. J. (2019). Society: The basics (15th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
- Chapter 15, “Education, Health, and Medicine,” pages 450-469. This chapter will help you understand the main issues in education today according to sociologists.
- These resources introduce you to the components of social structure such as status, role, groups, and organizations. They also help you understand the role that social structure plays in your everyday life.
- McLeod, S. (2018, December 28). Solomon Asch: Conformity experiment [Blog post]. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from…
- ABC News (Producer). (2006). Conformity: In the real-life lab [Video]. Films on Demand.
- When people decide whether or not to follow the crowd, what happens inside their brains? This ABC News program explores that question, highlighting neurological research that helps explain conformity and sheds light on the complex relationship between group and individual behavior.
- Run Time: 10 Minutes.
- Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral study of obedience. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67(4), 371-378.
- This is a well known experiment of destructive obedience in the laboratory where the subject was asked to administer increasingly more severe punishment to a victim.
- Macionis, J. J. (2019). Society: The basics (15th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
- Chapter 4, “Social Interaction in Everyday Life,” pages 100-123. This chapter introduces you to how sociologists understand social structure and how it impacts our daily interaction.
- Chapter 6, “Groups and Organizations,” pages 156-179. This chapter focuses more in-depth on the impact of groups and organizations in our lives.