Capella University Organizational Team Development Analysis

Capella University Organizational Team Development Analysis

Capella University Organizational Team Development Analysis
  • Overview

    Write 10–15 pages in which you consolidate your experiences in facilitating team-learning sessions into a final analysis. Incorporate your learning on change management; facilitating change; the dynamics of change; the importance of stakeholder participation; and the use of language, trust building, and fear containment in team development. Capella University Organizational Team Development Analysis

  • Note: You will need to complete Assessments 1 and 3 before completing this assessment.


    The Resources in this assessment reference traditional organizational development theory, the elements of large-scale change, some applicable change models, and the related systemic thinking. A powerful force for movement is the idea that a community needs to become dissatisfied with its current state, visualize a preferred future, and initiate first steps to overcome the resistance to change.

  • Questions to Consider

    To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

    • Think about a difficult change process that you have experienced: a downsizing, an acquisition, an introduction of new technology, the replacement and introduction of a new leader, being put in a new group, the creation of a new enterprise, and so on. Or think of a personal change, such as a change in a relationship or a new job. Consider how the DVFR factors (dissatisfaction, vision, first steps, and resistance) helped create change. What factors that made the change more difficult may have been involved? What would have been needed to overcome the missing elements?
    • At the completion of this assessment, consider what you have learned about change management and about yourself as a team facilitator.

  • Resources


    The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.

    Capella Multimedia

    Click the link provided below to view the following multimedia piece:

    Library Resources

    The following e-books and articles from the University Library are linked directly in this course.

    Internet Resources

    Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have been either granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.

  • Assessment Instructions

    Note: You will need to complete Assessments 1 and 3 before completing this assessment.

  • Integrate your understanding of change management and the use of the five disciplines for team development, based on your findings from your two team development sessions, to write an analysis of what you learned about change as a facilitator, and about yourself as a facilitator.
  • Include the following sections:
    1. Theory of the five disciplines as a method of change: Describe a relevant theory of change management and two of the five disciplines. (You are not required to choose the same two theories that you used in your team sessions, but you may use them if you wish.)
      • Consider your audience as you choose your theory, and decide how to discuss it and what to present. Ideally, this audience would be the larger organization in which the team functions, but it could also be to the session team itself, members of an educational forum, or another group. Make judgment calls about the audience’s needs and setting. Note: After successfully completing this assessment, you may wish to actually present your paper to a professional audience at your organization, in order to demonstrate your own development.
      • Invent your own unique metaphor and use it to explain your chosen theory. That is, develop a graphic or verbal image of something familiar to explain an unfamiliar thing or process. An important part of considering an audience is to provide a powerful metaphor to help audience members understand and remember the relevant information. Causal loops and the ladder of inference are examples of graphic metaphors.
    2. Team development summary findings: Present your summary findings from the two team development sessions, in which you completed the team exercises.
      • Use the best stories and quotes from your session experiences to illustrate the disciplines and how they support change.
      • Synthesize your learning from the sessions about team dynamics and the value of the five disciplines for team development.
      • Illustrate some action statements made by your team and the subsequent changes you observed.
    3. What you have learned from facilitating both team-development sessions:
      • Write a section on your learning as a facilitator for the team development sessions. What worked? What did not work? What would you do differently next time?
      • How would you change your contract, your explanation of change management, the disciplines, the exercises, your exercise choices, or your behavior during the team sessions, in order to enhance the quality of the team learning?
    4. Recommendations: Provide your recommendations for enhancing team development in the future in a way that is practical, justified, memorable, and actionable for your team and your audience (ideally, the larger organization to which the team belongs).
      • Include some of your best quotes and stories from your session experiences as examples.
      • Show how your recommendations for building more effective teams will help the audience move closer to its preferred future.
      • Include some models from your learning about disciplines that support team learning.
      • Describe the potential power of using the five disciplines to support team learning.
    5. Learning resources: To assist your team in learning more about the change management process, list a selection of books, articles, Web resources, and organizations containing the most important resources you would recommend.


    • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
    • APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
    • Length of paper: 10 to 15 typed, double-spaced pages.
    • Font and font size: Arial, 12 point.

    Organizational Team Development Analysis Scoring Guide

    Explain change management and supporting theories. Analyzes change management and supporting theories; and supports statements with relevant real-world examples.
    Explain chosen disciplines and supporting theories. Analyzes chosen disciplines and supporting theories, using a unique graphic metaphor; and supports statements with relevant real-world examples.
    Synthesize learning regarding team dynamics and the value of team development disciplines. Synthesizes learning regarding team dynamics and the value of team development disciplines; and recommends strategies to improve team dynamics through the use of the disciplines.
    Recommend team development enhancements that use learning disciplines to support future team learning. Recommends team development enhancements that use learning disciplines to support future team learning; explains the impact of recommendations on helping to move towards a preferred future; and recommends implementation strategies.
    Identify resources containing the most important information related to change recommendations. Identifies resources containing the most important information related to change recommendations; and provides rationale for selection.
    Analyze how team experiences and session outcomes support chosen disciplines and change management theories. Analyzes how team experiences and session outcomes support chosen disciplines and change management theories; and supports statements with relevant theory or real-world examples.
    Analyze learning as a team development facilitator. Analyzes learning as a team development facilitator; and recommends strategies for continual growth as a facilitator.