Capella University Reflection and Treatment Plan Paper

Capella University Reflection and Treatment Plan Paper

Capella University Reflection and Treatment Plan Paper

For this assignment, write 4 -page paper in which you reflect on your work with a client family for which you completed a treatment plan at your site. Include a redacted progress note for the client family as part of or in addition to your reflection paper while you submit this assignment. Be sure to redact any site or client identifying information from the progress note before submitting it. Note what format you used when writing your progress note, (D.A.P., S.O.A.P., B.I.R.P., et cetera).


In your paper, include the following:

  • An introduction that presents a brief overview of your work with the presented client, including: You are in your 3rd session with clients
    • The context of your work (for example, all family sessions, some individual sessions, home visits, office visits, school visits, and so forth).
  • Self-of-the-therapist reflections:
    • What was it like for you to work with this client?
    • What did you find difficult or challenging in your work with this client?
    • Was there a family member with whom you identified? How do you make sense of this?
    • Were there social or cultural issues that impacted your work with the family or impacted the case? Describe what these were and how you addressed them.
    • Were there ethical issues involved in the case that you found challenging? What were the issues and how were they challenging?
  • Discuss the impact of diversity on the case, including the assessment and diagnostic processes.
  • Theoretical reflections:
    • How well do you think you applied your chosen model? Use examples to explain your reflection.
    • Is this a model you will continue to use in your work? If so, please explain. If you decide not to use this model, please explain.
  • Conclusion:
    • How was your work with this case different than you expected it to be?
    • What did you learn from your work with this family?