Capella University Stakeholders and Mental Health Paper

Capella University Stakeholders and Mental Health Paper

Capella University Stakeholders and Mental Health Paper

Identifying Stakeholders for a New Community Initiative

This is a 750–1000 word narrative in which you are to identify stakeholders in a community social problem with the community identified in the assignment in Unit 2, the community social problem identified in the discussion in Unit 5, and you as a human service leader from the organization in the assignment in Unit 4.

As a human services leader, you are being asked to lead a new initiative. The new initiative will be an interagency collaboration of a task force to address a current community social problem. While individuals will be filling positions to serve on the task force, first you need to identify the stakeholders who have a personal or professional interest in the social problem and how to address it. Utilizing your knowledge of your community context of practice (from the assignment in Unit 2), identify stakeholders and support your choices with literature and theory.


2 attachments


Good day Dr. Mancuso, My name is Shannon Perry and I reside in a small town in Mississippi by the name of Sardis. I have 3 adult sons who have blessed me with 6 beautiful grandchildren; 3 girls and 3 boys. I am blessed to marry a childhood friend of 30 years. August will mark our 4 year anniversary. Since I obtained my bachelors degree in 2014, I have worked with individuals facing mental illness. I found much joy knowing that I have the opportunity to educate individuals and their family about mental illness. I obtain my associates degree in social work which was followed by a Bachelors degree in social work from Rust College, From there I cocompleted my masters in Human Services though Argosy University. I look forward to this class and everyone sharing their experinces in this chosen field. Your Community Context of Practice