Capella University Disaster Management Reflection Paper

Capella University Disaster Management Reflection Paper

Capella University Disaster Management Reflection Paper

Connecting Your Learning


Throughout the course, you have learned about disaster response and management by describing the phases of the emergency management cycle, addressing disaster incidents through the application of an EOP, and summarizing emergency operations from an interagency perspective. For this final assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the course competencies.



  • Prepare a paper with 4–6 pages of content focused on the course competencies (1–1.5 pages per competency for competencies 1–4). This paper should showcase your learning proficiency and describe the importance of your learning relative to application in a career context.
  • Address two key areas of learning for each competency.

Review the Connecting Your Learning scoring guide to ensure that you understand the criteria for this assignment.


  • Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message. Use spell-check and grammar-check to check your work before submitting this assignment.
  • Resources and citations: Format according to current edition APA guidelines.
  • Page count: 4–6 pages plus title and references pages.
  • Required number of references:One reference per competency for competencies 1–4.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.

Connecting Your Learning Scoring Guide

Due Date: Unit 10
Percentage of Course Grade: 15%.

Describe the phases of the emergency management cycle.
Does not describe the four phases of the emergency management cycle and does not address two key areas of learning for the competency. Identifies, but does not describe the phases of the emergency management cycle, or does not describe all phases; addresses one key area of learning related to the competency. Describes the phases of the emergency management cycle; addresses two key areas of learning for the competency. Describes the phases of the emergency management cycle; illustrates with an example for each cycle; addresses multiple areas of learning for the competency.
Analyze elements of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that address disaster response incidents.
Does not analyze elements of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that address disaster response incidents; does not address two key areas of learning for the competency. Cites, but does not analyze an adequate number of elements of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that address disaster response incidents; addresses one key area of learning related to the competency. Analyzes elements of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that address disaster response incidents; addresses two key areas of learning for the competency. Analyzes elements of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that address disaster response incidents; provides a thorough explanation for each selection; addresses multiple areas of learning for the competency.
Apply elements of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) to disaster response incidents.
Does not apply elements of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) to disaster response incidents; does not address two key areas of learning for the competency. Applies an inadequate number of elements of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) to disaster response incidents; addresses one key area of learning related to the competency. Applies elements of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) to disaster response incidents; addresses two key areas of learning for the competency. Applies elements of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) to disaster response incidents; provides justification for each element selected; addresses multiple areas of learning for the competency.
Summarize emergency operations management of disasters from an interagency perspective.
Does not summarize emergency operations management of disasters from an interagency perspective; does not address two key areas of learning for the competency. Summarizes emergency operations management of disasters, but does not explain them from an interagency perspective; addresses one key area of learning related to the competency. Summarizes emergency operations management of disasters from an interagency perspective; addresses two key areas of learning for the competency. Summarizes emergency operations management of disasters from an interagency perspective; provides multiple interagency perspectives; addresses multiple areas of learning for the competency.
Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Does not write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics; does not address two key areas of learning for the competency. Writing supports an idea but contains major errors of grammar, usage; addresses one key area of learning related to the competency. Writes clearly and logically, with few minor errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, or mechanics; addresses two key areas of learning for the competency. Writes coherently supporting a central idea, with no errors in grammar, usage or mechanics; addresses multiple areas of learning for the competency.