z Scores Type I and II Errors Hypothesis Testing

z Scores Type I and II Errors Hypothesis Testing

z Scores Type I and II Errors Hypothesis Testing



This is your second IBM SPSS assignment. It includes three sections in which you will:

  1. Generate z scores for a variable in grades.sav and report and interpret them.
  2. Analyze cases of Type I and Type II errors.
  3. Analyze cases to either reject or not reject a null hypothesis.

Download the Unit 4 Assignment 1 Answer Template from the Resources area and use the template to complete the following sections:

  • Section 1: z Scores in SPSS.
  • Section 2: Case Studies of Type I and Type II Errors.
  • Section 3: Case Studies of Null Hypothesis Testing.

Format your answers in narrative style, integrating supporting statistical output (table and graphs) into the narrative in the appropriate places (not all at the end of the document). See the Copy/Export Output Instructions in the Resources area for assistance.

Submit your answer template as an attached Word document in the assignment area



Running head: UNIT 4 ASSIGNMENT 1 ANSWER TEMPLATE Unit 4 Assignment 1 Answer Template Student Name Capella University 1 UNIT 4 ASSIGNMENT 1 ANSWER TEMPLATE Unit 4 Assignment 1 Answer Template The following assignment includes three sections consisting of: 1. z scores in SPSS. 2. Case studies of Type I and Type II errors. 3. Case studies of null hypothesis testing. Additional notes: • Answer in complete sentences. • Follow APA rules for scholarly writing. • Include a reference list if necessary. • Save your answers and upload this template to the assignment area for grading. Section 1: z Scores in SPSS A z score is typically analyzed when population mean (µ) and population standard deviation (σ) are known. However, in SPSS, we can still calculate z scores with the grades.sav data using the sample mean (M) and sample standard deviation (s).