Capella University Pseudocode Analyze and Synthesize Discussion

Capella University Pseudocode Analyze and Synthesize Discussion

Capella University Pseudocode Analyze and Synthesize Discussion
  • Overview

    Analyze and synthesize pseudocode for an IT company.

  • This assessment is particularly important to the areas of IT and computer science, as both use a number of different programming languages to complete tasks via algorithms. You will demonstrate your ability to interpret and create algorithms and read and understand pseudocode (that is, English-like programming code). Capella University Pseudocode Analyze and Synthesize Discussion

  • Context

    The Assessment 4 Context document contains information about algorithms, including recursion, as well as pseudocode and basic programming principles.

  • Resources


    The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.

    • Algorithms | Transcript.
      • This presentation includes the following topics:
        • Characteristics of algorithms.
        • Notation for algorithms.
        • The Euclidean algorithm.
        • Recursive algorithms.
        • Complexity of algorithms.
    • Number Theory and Recurrence Relations | Transcript.
      • This presentation includes the following topics:
        • Number systems.
        • Hexadecimal number system.
        • Recurrence relation.
        • Fibonacci sequence.
        • Towers of Hanoi.
        • Solving recurrence relations.
    Library Resources

    The following e-book from the Capella University Library is linked directly in this course:

    The resource listed below is relevant to the topics and assessments in this course and is not required. Unless noted otherwise, this resource is available for purchase from the.

    • Johnsonbaugh, R. (2018). Discrete mathematics (8th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
      • The following chapters and sections are particularly useful for your work in this assessment.
        • Chapter 4, “Algorithms,” sections 4.1 through 4.3. This chapter allows you to look at examples of algorithms, analyze algorithms, and work with recursive algorithms.
        • Chapter 4, “Algorithms,” sections 4.3 and 4.4. Section 4.4 focuses on recursive algorithms.
        • Chapter 5, “Introduction to Number Theory.” This chapter focuses on divisors, representations of integers and integer algorithms, the Euclidean algorithm, and the RSA public-key cryptosystem.
        • Chapter 7, “Recurrence Relations.” This chapter focuses on solving recurrence relations and applications to the analysis of algorithms.
        • Appendix C, “Pseudocode.”
  • Assessment Instructions

    Assume that you are an IT professional working at an IT company. You have been asked to assess some snippets of code/pseudocode. Read over the pseudocode samples below and answer the corresponding questions.


    // Description
    // number is a positive integer with n digits, where numberi refers to the ith digit of number
    // n is the number of digits of c
    // base is a positive integer
    function conversion(number,base,n)
    value = 0;
    unit = 1;
    for i = 0 to n

    value = value + numberi * unit;
    unit = unit * base;

    return value;
    Respond to the following:

    1. What does the conversion function do? Please provide a detailed response.
    2. In terms of n, how many computational steps are performed by the conversion function? Note: One computational step is considered one operation: one assignment, one comparison, et cetera. For example, the execution of a = c + d may be considered two computational steps: one addition and one assignment.
    3. What is the Big-O time complexity of the conversion function in terms of n? Justify your response.


    function printToScreen(n)
    for i = 1 to n
    for j = 1 to i
    endRespond to the following:

    1. What does the printToScreen function do? Please provide a detailed response. Specifically, describe the pattern formed by the *’s being printed. Note that print(“*”) will print one star and print(“\n”) will print a carriage return, which effectively brings the cursor to a new line.
    2. In terms of n, how many computational steps are performed by the printToScreen function? Justify your response. Note: One computational step is considered one operation: one assignment, one comparison, et cetera. For example, the execution of print(“Hello“) may be considered one computational step: one print operation.
    3. What is the Big-O (worst-case) time complexity of the printToScreen function in terms of n? Justify your response.


    // n is a non-negative integerfunction f(n)
    if n == 0 || n == 1
    return 1;
    return n*f(n-1);Respond to the following:

    1. What does the f function do? Please provide a detailed response.
    2. In terms of n, how many computational steps are performed by the f function? Justify your response. Note: One computational step is considered one operation: one assignment, one comparison, et cetera. For example, the execution of 3*3 may be considered one computational step: one multiplication operation.
    3. What is the Big-O (worst-case) time complexity of the function in terms of n? Justify your response.
    4. Define a recurrence relation an, which is the number of multiplications executed on the last line of the function f“return n*f(n-1);”, for any given input n. Hint: To get started, first determine a1, a2, a3 …. From this sequence, identify the recurrence relation and remember to note the initial conditions.


    1. Write pseudocode for a function called swapLarge. This function has an input 3 integers: xy, and z. The algorithm will swap the values of two of these variables. Specifically, it will swap the largest value and the second largest value. For example, if x = 1, y = 2, and z = 3, then the output would be x = 1, y = 3, and z = 2.

      Algorithms Scoring Guide

      Derive recurrence relation including initial conditions. Derives recurrence relation including initial conditions and relates derivation to algorithm time complexity analysis.
      Analyze purpose of recursive and non-recursive algorithms. . Analyzes purpose of recursive and non-recursive algorithms and evaluates its efficiency.
      Analyze the time complexity of recursive and non-recursive algorithms via computational steps and Big-O. . Analyzes the time complexity of recursive and non-recursive algorithms via computational steps and Big-O and clearly derives Big-O as an upper-bound of the expression of computational steps.
      Synthesize pseudocode as instructed. Synthesizes pseudocode as instructed and integrates best coding practices and efficient design schemes.