Capella University Culturally Relevant Teaching Practices Analysis
Original Lesson Plan has been attached
Lesson revision to reflect multicultural pedagogy and culturally competent instructional strategies and an analysis (3-4 pages) of the changes.
To become effective teachers who incorporate multicultural concepts, we must become effective in our instructional practice. Therefore, determining how we will teach is as important as what we will teach. As a teacher you must determine what culturally relevant instructional models or strategies you will use in your practice. What theory supports this model? Once you have answered this question, you have taken the first step in designing effective instruction. Incorporating multiculturalism is itself a part of the content process, not just an added activity. In this assessment, you will weave together the theory with the practice.
- Identify an upcoming lesson from your curriculum, including the objectives and assessment.
- How did you approach teaching this lesson in the past?
- What styles of teaching and strategies have you used when teaching this lesson?
- Identify the assumptions and biases in the current lesson.
- What do the objectives, materials, content, or assessment assume about students?
- What do students need to already know about the content in order to make connections to the new learning? How is that background knowledge culturally biased?
- Revise the lesson by incorporating strategies and materials to address the assumptions and biases you identified.
- Evaluate how the strategies you selected incorporate student culture in the lesson.
- Reference the multicultural theory or best practices to support your strategy selection.
- Analyze the differences in the lesson before your changes and after.
- How will the strategies you incorporated provide equal access to the content for all learners?
Additional Requirements
- Submit the original lesson plan with objectives, assessment strategy, plan for materials, and sequence of activities.
- Submit the revised lesson with changes that reflect the culturally relevant teaching strategies incorporated.
- Submit a 3–4 page analysis based on the instructions above and scoring guide criteria.
Resources: Cultural Competence and the Role of Teacher Beliefs
- The resources below provide a research base for the role of teacher beliefs in educating students from diverse backgrounds.
- Shevalier, R., & McKenzie, B. A. (2012). Culturally responsive teaching as an ethics- and care-based approach to urban education. Urban Education, 47(6), 1086–1105.
- Ford, D. Y. (2015). Culturally responsive gifted classrooms for culturally different students: A focus on invitational learning. Gifted Child Today, 38(1), 67–69.
- Yeager, D. S., Purdie-Vaughns, V., Garcia, J., Apfel, N., Brzustoski, P., Master, A., . . . Cohen, G. L. (2014). Breaking the cycle of mistrust: Wise interventions to provide critical feedback across the racial divide. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(2), 804–824.
- Gay, G. (2009). Acting on beliefs in teacher education for cultural diversity. Journal of Teacher Education, 61(1–2), 143–152.
- Conrad, B. (2012). Intentions and beliefs: Why they matter and a conceptual framework for understanding them in culturally responsive teachers. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 14(1/2), 87–99.
Resources: Lesson Planning with Multicultural Strategies
The resources below provide examples and strategies you might use to plan your lesson to submit for this course’s assessment.
Resources: Culturally Responsive Strategies
- Consider the strategies for culturally responsive teaching outlined in the resources below as you develop your lesson for the course’s assessment.
- Lotherington, H., & Chow, S. (2006). Rewriting “Goldilocks” in the urban, multicultural elementary school. The Reading Teacher, 60(3), 242–248, 250–252.
- Starker, T. V., & Fitchett, P. G. (2013). Assisting preservice teachers toward becoming culturally responsive. Multicultural Learning and Teaching, 8(1), 27–46.
- Ford, B. A., Stuart, D. H., & Vakil, S. (2014). Culturally responsive teaching in the 21st century inclusive classroom. Journal of the International Association of Special Education, 15(2), 56–62.
- Chita-Tegmark, M., Gravel, J. W., Serpa, M. B., Domings, Y., & Rose, D. H. (2012). Using the Universal Design for Learning framework to support culturally diverse learners. Journal of Education, 192(1), 17–22.
- Bui, Y. N., & Fagan, Y. M. (2013). The effects of an integrated reading comprehension strategy: A culturally responsive teaching approach for fifth-grade students’ reading comprehension. Preventing School Failure, 57(2), 59–69.