Capella University Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders Essay

Capella University Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders Essay

Capella University Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders Essay

Review the Case Study of Ben, Part 1. Use the Case Study Response Guide to guide your analysis of how you might apply the DSM-5 to diagnose Ben’s condition.

For your initial post in this discussion, though, rather than providing a diagnosis, submit your responses to these questions:

  1. What diagnostic possibilities does Ben’s case present?
  2. What have you read in the case history so far that presents these possibilities for you?
  3. What kind of questions you might ask to evaluate each diagnostic possibility? You must consider at least two, but no more than three, diagnostic possibilities, and develop a series of questions to interview for each possibility.
  4. What possible answers would lead you toward or away from each of your possibilities?
  5. What further information and referrals would you want to clarify Ben’s diagnosis?



Review the Case Study of Ben, Part 1. Use the Case Study Response Guide to guide your analysis of how you might apply the DSM-5 to diagnose Ben’s condition.

For your initial post in this discussion, rather than providing a diagnosis, submit your responses to these questions:

1.What diagnostic possibility does Ben’s case present?

2.What have you read in the case history so far that presents these possibilities for you?

3.What kind of questions you might ask to evaluate each diagnostic possibility? You must consider at least two, but no more than three, diagnostic possibilities, and develop a series of questions to interview for each possibility.

4.What possible answers would lead you toward or away from each of your possibilities?

5.What further information and referrals would you want to clarify Ben’s diagnosis?

NOTE: You do NOT need to use the Case Study Format… just answer the questions in APA style.



Case Study of Ben (Part One) Case Study of Ben (Part One) Ben is a 46-year-old computer scientist at a large university. In recent weeks, his wife has noticed that he has been “different.” He is being seen on your service at the local hospital, where you are asked to evaluate him. Ben is a hostile interviewee. He does not want to talk to you, and has made it clear that he is here against his will. In recent weeks, according to his wife, Cindy, he has been moody, irritable, and increasingly inappropriate in his actions and comments. For instance, Cindy tells you that last Friday night at a neighborhood party, he went up to an attractive young neighbor and, after asking if she was having as good a time as he was, put his hand on her breast. She reacted furiously, and Ben seemed surprised at her reaction. The young woman’s husband