Capella University Addressing Potential Ethical Dilemmas Presentation

Capella University Addressing Potential Ethical Dilemmas Presentation

Capella University Addressing Potential Ethical Dilemmas Presentation

Create a six-slide, briefing a team on how they might address potential ethical dilemmas in the workplace.


One setting in which ethics play a significant role is in the workplace. Successful businesses and organizations depend on the trust of everyone involved: managers, employees, and customers. Strong ethical expectations within a business results in positive outcomes: an optimistic, productive work environment, enhanced accountability of all stakeholders, and an affirmative public image. You may be able to think of many businesses that have not demonstrated sound ethical practice. But can you think of a business that has a solid reputation because of its ethics? Are you more likely to engage with that business as a result?


We also rely on ethical practice from professionals that serve others, such as social workers, doctors, lawyers, and teachers. Consequently, most professions have codes of ethics that establish ethical and professional standards for conduct. In preparation for this assessment, you will investigate professional codes of ethics and consider how they provide guidance to business and service professionals in the workplace.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:

  • Competency 1: Explain the nature of ethical issues.
    • Apply a professional code of ethics to a workplace situation.
  • Competency 2: Critically examine the contributions of key thinkers from the history of ethics.
    • Assess the advantages and disadvantages of a professional code of ethics.
  • Competency 3: Engage in ethical debate.
    • Explain methods for discussing ethical disagreements productively.
  • Competency 4: Develop a position on a contemporary ethical issue.
    • Describe areas of one’s personal disagreement with professional standards.
  • Competency 5: Communicate effectively in the context of personal and professional moral discourse.
    • Create an audio-visual presentation that applies a professional code of ethics to a workplace situation.


Imagine management at your future workplace tasks you with making a formal presentation to your team, discussing a workplace ethical dilemma they might face. You consider an appropriate professional code of conduct, but only to the extent that it might offer useful guidance in this situation. The central task is to help everyone work together productively in resolving tricky issues.

For this assessment, fulfill the management task and create an audiovisual presentation that applies a professional code of ethics to common workplace situations. Submit your work as a narrated visual presentation in the courseroom submission box. You may develop a narrated PowerPoint presentation or you may create your presentation using Kaltura. If you are more familiar with other presentation software, you may use that, so long as your submission satisfies all of the required elements of the assessment.

The following resources may help:


Include the following in your narrated visual presentation:

  • Apply a professional code of ethics to this workplace situation.
  • Assess the advantages and disadvantages of the selected professional code of ethics.
  • Explain methods for resolving ethical disagreements productively.
  • Describe areas of personal disagreement with professional standards.

Note: Include in your presentation slides or annotations a full APA-style citation of any quotation or paraphrase from the professional code or other sources you choose to employ.

Your instructor may provide video feedback on your work, in addition to completing the official scoring guide for the assignment.

Submit this assessment to your ePortfolio.


  • Communication: Create an audiovisual format that applies a professional code of ethics to common workplace situations.
  • Media presentation: Create a minimum of 6 slides, with notes or a transcript to ensure accessibility to everyone. Upload the presentation.
  • Resources: There is no minimum number of resources required; however, use your judgment to ensure your topic is thoroughly researched.
  • APA guidelines: Ensure resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and format. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings.