Capella University Susan Career Adjustment Goals Paper

Capella University Susan Career Adjustment Goals Paper

Capella University Susan Career Adjustment Goals Paper
  • Write 3–4 pages in which you apply theories and concepts from social psychology, behavioral ethics, and critical thinking to a case study you choose. Focus on a theory related to the self or self-regulation.Social psychology can help you understand the world around you and answer questions about why people behave the way they do. Why is it so hard to take a chance and go back to school? Why do people start smoking when they know it’s bad for them? Why do protests turn violent at times? Being able to apply social psychological theory to personal and professional situations as well as to current events is a skill you need in order to take steps toward that understanding. For this assessment, we will focus on theories dealing with culture and nature and the self.
  • Toggle Drawer



    Duplex Mind
    • Baumeister, R. F., & Bushman, B. J. (2017). Social psychology and human nature (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
      • Chapter 2, “Culture and Nature,” pages 32–65, contains information about how human social behavior results from a mixture of nature and culture. You will also find information about the duplex mind theory, which is one of the theories you can choose from for your assessment.
    • Haggar, M. S. (2013). The multiple pathways by which self-control predicts behavior. Frontiers in Psychology4(13). Retrieved from…
      • You can use this article to support your arguments if you choose duplex mind to apply to your case study.


    Self-Serving Bias
    • Baumeister, R. F., & Bushman, B. J. (2017). Social psychology and human nature (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
      • Chapter 3, “The Self,” pages 66–111, contains information about how self-concept, self-esteem, and self-presentation fit into the context of social psychology. You will also find information about the concept of self-serving bias, which is one of the theories you can choose from for your assessment.
    • Sanjuan, P., & Magallares, A. (2014). Coping strategies as mediating variables between self-serving attributional bias and subjective well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies15(2), 442–453.
      • You can use this article to support your arguments if you choose self-serving bias to apply to your case study.
    • Baumeister, R. F., & Bushman, B. J. (2017). Social psychology and human nature (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
      • Chapter 4, “Choices and Actions: The Self in Control,” pages 112–145, contains information about how we are able to deliberately control our behavior. You will also find information about the concept of self-regulation, which is one of the theories you can choose from for your assessment.
    • Critcher, C. R., & Ferguson, M. J. (2016). “Whether I like it or not, it’s important”: Implicit importance of means predicts self-regulatory persistence and success. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology110(6), 818–839.
      • You can use this article to support your arguments if you choose self-regulation to apply to your case study. Capella University Susan Career Adjustment Goals Paper


    These resources, courtesy of Ethics Unwrapped, The University of Texas at Austin, provide you with the basic concepts involved in behavioral ethics:

    For your assessment, you will choose to apply one of the following concepts, loss aversion or incrementalism, to a case study:


    Critical thinkers routinely apply intellectual standards to the elements of reasoning in order to develop intellectual traits. These resources introduce you to critical thinking using the model developed by Paul and Elder:

    For your assessment, you will choose to apply one of the following concepts, clarity or egocentric thinking, to a case study:


    You will need to find other resources to prepare for this assessment, and you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The Introduction to Social Psychology Library Guide can help direct your research.

  • Assessment Instructions


    1. Access the Self and Self-Control Case Studies multimedia to choose which case study you want to focus on and the social psychology theory, behavioral ethics concept, and critical thinking concept you have identified as being embedded in your case study.
    2. Use the Capella library to find two scholarly journal articles related to the social psychology theory you chose. You may choose to use one of the following articles as one of the two you are required to use:
    3. Review the Self and Self-Control Template [DOCX] you will use to write your paper.
    4. Review the Exemplar Paper [DOCX] and the Exemplar Case Study [DOCX] to better understand the expectations for this assessment.


    In your paper, include the following:

    • Summarize the case study.
    • Describe credible and scholarly sources, relevant to a particular theory.
    • Apply a social psychological theory to a chosen case study.
    • Explain how social psychological research studies relate to a particular social psychological theory.
    • Apply an ethical reasoning concept to a chosen case study.
    • Apply a critical thinking concept to a chosen case study.
    • Review the key points.
    • Demonstrate an academic writing style through well-organized prose that follows assessment guidelines.
    • Demonstrate compliance with APA style, citation, and referencing guidelines.


    • Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
    • APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.
    • Resources: Minimum of 2 scholarly or professional resources.
    • Length: 3–4 double-spaced pages, in addition to the title page and reference page.
    • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
    • Template: Use the Self and Self-Control Template [DOCX] and include the headings and subheadings as shown in the template to organize your writing. The template is already formatted for 6th edition APA style with title and reference pages, headings and subheadings, in 12-point Times New Roman font, and double-spaced with one inch margins