Capella University Coca Cola Conceptualization Overview
The Case Conceptualization Overview begins to form the foundation for the final piece of the course project that is due in Unit 10. For this assignment, you will begin building the scholarly case study for your selected Fortune 500 organization (Coca-Cola).
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:
Evaluate multidisciplinary theories and models that inform leadership practice in diverse cultures.
Analyze the value of leadership theory for contemporary and future organizations.
Integrate theories and models to evolve the practice of leadership in a dynamic global environment.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.
Assignment Description
The goal of your overview is to communicate the conceptual framework for your proposed case conceptualization and to allow the instructor to give you formative feedback. As you complete your overview, keep the following final project requirements in mind:
Focus on a leadership issue, opportunity, practice, and theory.
Link leadership, leadership systems, and firm viability.
Be situated in a global environment.
Address a leadership issue or concern that crosses systems and cultures.
Integrate theory and practice.
Engage your intellectual curiosity.
Be well written.
For this case conceptualization overview, include the following:
A definition of the relevant leadership issue for the selected global organization.
A storyline that supports the analysis of the value of leadership theory.
A definition of the learning opportunity.
Your overview should be written coherently to support a central idea, with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.
Assignment Requirements
Written communication: Demonstrate doctoral-level writing skills through accurate communication of thoughts that convey the overall goals of the analysis and do not detract from the message.
Format: Use current edition APA formatting. Include the following:
Title page.
Introductory paragraph.
Organization Overview.
Current Situation—Storyline.
Specific Problem or Problems.
Learning Opportunity.
References page.
References: Include 3 resources
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.