Capella University Stakeholder Theory and Leadership Discussion
1) Stakeholder Theory
Bass and Steidlmeier (1999) discuss the Stakeholder Theory. Identify the stakeholders in an organization or agency, for example, current, past or future place of employment related to one of the human behavior or social science fields, and discuss the relationships among the stakeholders, their needs, values, and interests. What have you observed about leadership in terms of achieving “cooperative action and the exercise of civic virtue” (p. 200)? Give examples and support your assertions with current research.
Bass, B. M., & Steidlmeier, P. (1999). Ethics, character, and authentic transformational leadership behavior. The Leadership Quarterly, 10(2), 181–217.
Your original post, in response to the discussion question or questions above, should be a minimum of 250 words, not including restatement of questions or reference sections. Discussion posts must go beyond summarizing concepts and must utilize critical thinking, advanced application, and synthesis of ideas. Thus, in addition to any of the assigned readings you must utilize at least two additional peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles to inform and substantiate the content of your discussion.
2) Response Guidelines
In addition, read the posts of your peers, and then respond to one of their discussions. Your substantive response must be 200 words and not casual in nature. A substantive reply should expand or extend the scholarly discussion.
As with any scholarly writing, ideas must be substantiated, and any content that is paraphrased, summarized or quoted must be cited and referenced in your replies as well as your original discussions.
Feel free to add additional shorter replies to build professional, collegial conversations regarding the content of your discussions.
Kamille Mitchell POST
The Stakeholder Theory is defined as a conceptual framework of business ethics and organizational management which addresses moral and ethical values in the management of business or other organizations (Freeman, 1984). To achieve this outcome, people must come together and cooperate on the basis of values, interests, and social choice (Bass and Steidlmeir, 1999).
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) has a professional code of ethics and provides those ethics, competencies, and standards for the area of school counselors. ASCA’s Professional Standards and Competencies outline the mindsets and behaviors school counselors need to meet the rigorous demands of the school counseling profession and the needs of K-12 students (American School Counselor Association, 2019). The stakeholders involved are the school counselors, school counselor supervisors, teachers, administrators, students. Most school districts have a developmental counseling model that is used by school counselors. These models are mostly used in countries where there is stability, a well-funded public education system, and a low level of control by central political agencies (Martin, Lauterbach, and Carey, 2015).
I have been employed as a school counselor for the past two years. In my school district, we have our building principal but are lead and directed by our district counseling director. As the counseling director, she meets with us as a whole monthly and is always open to new ideas and information we have to share. She makes sure we are following protocols and guidelines. With our new normal of virtual counseling due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, all district counselors have been meeting virtually to share ideas and resources to assist our students, teachers, administrators, and parents.