Capella University Employees Performance Metrics Discussion

Capella University Employees Performance Metrics Discussion

Capella University Employees Performance Metrics Discussion

Discussion: Performance Metrics

Performance is frequently measured based on applied metrics. Consider the performance of a baseball team. The team’s success is measured by its ability to win games relative to the other teams in its division. When we analyze the performance of individual players on the team, we are using applied metrics. Each player is given a batting average, which can be calculated in its simplest form by dividing the individual’s number of hits by his or her number of attempts at bat to get the “Batting Average” (Hits / At Bats = Batting Avg). So if player John Smith gets 202 hits during a season where he has 546 attempts at bat, his batting average would calculate out to .370. Similar calculations and averages can be used to measure employee performance that is more appropriate to an organization.


Reflect on a past work experience where your performance was reviewed and identify three behaviors that were evaluated. In examining the behaviors, which do you feel were task or contextual behaviors? In preparing your response, answer the following questions:

  • How appropriate or effective were the metrics that were employed for these behaviors?
  • How would you have improved the metrics?
  • If there were no metrics in place, which metrics would you suggest? Justify your response.

Be specific and provide examples with references to this week’s literature. APA format.


Post a cohesive and scholarly response based on your readings and research this week that addresses the following:

Evaluate the use of metrics to measure performance management in organizations. Analyze the behavioral factors  that should be considered by an organization when they are measuring an employee’s performance. Justify your responses with references to the literature.


Cravens, K., Goad Oliver, E., & Stewart, J. (2010). Can a positive approach to performance evaluation help accomplish your goals? Business Horizons, 53(3), 269–279.

Shaked, D. (2010). A strength-based approach to metrics, scorecards and performance reviews. AI Practitioners, 12(3), 50–55.