Capella University Certified Peer Specialist Admission Essay
(150 words maximum for each question)
Peers can relate to others in a non-clinical, more personal way as they have a similar lived experience. Peers are positive role models and offer hope to others, demonstrating by their own life that recovery is possible. Tasks performed by Peer Support Specialists may include helping you to: • Express and achieve your goals for recovery • Monitor your own progress • Learn effective coping and self-help strategies • Find effective services and supports • Get the most from your Person Centered Planning process • Develop Wellness Plans • Develop Advance Directives • Get support during a crisis • Participate in the community • Become more independent and productive
Peers promote hope through positive self-disclosure, demonstrating that recovery is possible. They provide role models of self-care and the effective use of recovery skills. They lead support groups. Their experience and knowledge helps others in managing day-to-day life, not only with the illness but also with the social and human service systems. They also help people overcome discrimination, stigma and/or trauma. Peers listen attentively with respect, acceptance, and encouragement to the wants and needs of the people with whom they work. They assist people in obtaining resources, overcoming barriers, building protective factors, and pursuing their goals and dreams. Working on recovery and a life of health and wellness is a journey that takes time and daily work. Setbacks or relapses are possible. With the coping skills, supports and tools you learn, life can and will return to one of maintenance much sooner. Peers have walked this road and understand in a way others who have not lived with a mental illness cannot.
1. Why do you want to become a Certified Peer Specialist (CPS)? My passion for helping in thr healing process of others and assisting in finsing appropriate resources.
2. What makes you a good candidate to work with other consumers in the behavioral health field? My life experience of living thru addiction REHAP; recovery.
3. What types of experiences have you had in advocating for consumers of behavioral health services? Please describe in detail, listing efforts in letter-writing, personal advocacy, public testimony, programs you began, the work you are doing now, etc… Be specific. I am a person who has dealt with situations issues in my process of change that the client themselves may have. With the right guidence and determination I made it. i want to also help others to see their way through this process of recovery. I’ve been we’re most of their clients that come thru they re door s have been and made it through the other side successfully
4. Describe your current employment or volunteer situation. If neither applies, how do you spend your time? I’VE VOLUNTEERED AT THE SENIOR CENTER WHERE MY MOTHERS GO TO. I VOULNTEER AT MY CHURCH HELP MEMEBERS WHO ARE IN NEED AND NEED ASSISTAINCE.
5. How do you define recovery? What do people who know you are in recovery say about you
6. How do you give back to your family and friends since you have been in recovery? I SHARE MY STORY AND PROVID HOPE WHEN THEY ARE DOWN.
7. Why do you think it is important for Certified Peer Specialist to share their story?
8. What will be your most difficult challenge in attending this training? How will you deal with this challenge? TRANSPORTION, WORKING WITH MY CASE WORKER TO ASSITNACE ME.