Capella University HIPAA Compliance Officer Audit Essay

Capella University HIPAA Compliance Officer Audit Essay

Capella University HIPAA Compliance Officer Audit Essay


The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human services is responsible for the investigation of HIPAA complaints and for compliance enforcement. In your role as a healthcare information assurance and security professional, you must be prepared to respond to OCR communication. If you work for a covered entity, you must examine your own practices, as well as those of your business associates. This assignment requires you to understand the audit process and how to help a HIPAA-covered entity respond to an audit notification.



Assume that your organization has received a notification from the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) that you will be visited by a HIPAA Compliance Officer who will audit your policies, procedures, and practices related to Protected Health Information (PHI). You will want to be well-prepared. Write a paper detailing the major areas of concern you want to address. Include the following in your paper:

  • Outline the administrative, physical, and technical risks faced by an audited organization.
  • Review the privacy and security rules of a typical covered entity.
  • Explain the critical items (no more than ten) likely to be reviewed by the Compliance Officer.



CRITERIA NON-PERFORMANCE BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Outline the three categories of risk that must be addressed in a HIPAA audit. 33% Does not outline the three categories of risk that must be addressed in a HIPAA audit. Outlines categories of risk that must be addressed in a HIPAA audit, but omits significant information under one or more categories Outlines the three categories of risk that must be addressed in a HIPAA audit. Explains the three categories of risk that must be addressed in a HIPAA audit. Explain critical elements included in a compliance audit. 33% Does not describe critical elements included in a compliance audit. Describes critical elements included in a compliance audit. Explains critical elements included in a compliance audit Explains critical elements included in a compliance audit, cites examples from