Capella University Management Performance Indicators Discussion

Capella University Management Performance Indicators Discussion

Capella University Management Performance Indicators Discussion

Proposal Outcome and Feedback

Follow the following steps after you have incorporated feedback from your instructor on your Unit 3 assignment project proposal:



  • Contact the prospective client organization to set up a meeting. Meet and present the project proposal at the agreed upon time. Ensure that your client signs a copy of your proposal.
  • Describe the outcome of the meeting. Summarize the feedback offered by your client, and include any substantive, relevant details for clarification.
  • Discuss any gaps or additional requests from the client. Explain how you will address those gaps or requests with regard to the scope of this course and the time frame for the project.
  • Provide a brief description of what type of data you will be examining, what performance indicators you are examining, and how you are measuring each performance indicator. In addition, include a brief description on how you will display your data (for example, pie chart, graph, spreadsheet, and process map).

Your goal is to meet the requirements of your capstone project while working with the client to comply with any additional requests not covered in the proposal you presented.


Your initial post should include a signed copy of the proposal presented to the client, with a short, bulleted list of categorical feedback, including additional considerations conveyed by your client. Scan the entire proposal document and attach the file in the discussion area. Include a short, updated statement of what performance indicators you are examining, how you are measuring each performance indicator, and how you will display your data. These items should now be incorporated into the project proposal. Feel free to add each as an addendum, if needed.

For this discussion, it is acceptable to post a Word document.


Respond to the posts of your colleagues according to the Faculty Expectations Response Guidelines. Seek clarification and share relevant personal experiences. Provide a substantive and concise feedback.

When replying to your colleague, please change the subject line format to “Reply to [colleague’s name].”