Amridge University Graphic Design and Different Fonts Firm Business Card
Create a collection of different fonts and then use those fonts for specified design projects.
Create a collection of different fonts and then use those fonts for specified design projects. Complete the following:
- Identify at least three fonts for each of the following categories:
- Masculine.
- Feminine.
- Childlike.
- Authoritative.
- Playful.
- Aggressive.
- Traditional.
- Corporate.
- Futuristic.
- Type out each of the category words using each of the three fonts for that category. Save a version as a JPEG or PDF.
- Using the fonts you identified, create designs for two of the projects listed below.
Project 1: Children’s eBook Cover
- Size: 576 pixels per inch wide by 720 pixels per inch wide (8 inches wide by 10 inches tall) with a resolution of 72 pixels per inch.
- Title: Happy Clouds in the Sky.
- Author: Andrea Jones.
You may add graphics or images to your book cover to enhance your overall design. The choices in type, color, and overall layout are the most important things to focus on. Besides the type and optional images, you may use graphical elements such as lines and boxes, similar to the previous assessments in the course.
Project 2: Corporate Law Firm Business Card
- Size: 2 inches tall by 3.5 inches wide (standard business card size).
- Company: Able Law Firm.
- Name: John D. Smith.
- Title: Attorney at Law.
- Address: 1234 Main Street, Suite 300.
- City, state, zip code: Minneapolis, MN 55454.
- Phone: 612-555-9876.
- Fax: 612-555-1000.
- E-mail:
For this project, create a logotype out of the company name. Be creative with your font usage to construct an interesting logotype. You may use graphical elements such as lines and boxes, similar to the previous assessments in the course.
Project 3: Environmental Activist Group Rally Half Page Web Advertisement
- Size: 300 pixels per inch wide by 600 pixels per inch wide (approximately 4 inches wide by 6 inches tall) with a resolution of 72 pixels per inch.
- Tagline: Stop Pollution Rally.
- Group: Anti-Pollution League.
- Date and time: April 15, at 3:00 p.m.
- Where: Grant Park.
You may use any other elements as you deem necessary to construct your design.
Focus on how best to apply the principles of design to enhance your concepts for your two selected projects. You may find it necessary to make many attempts until you create the most effective solution. Remember that design is enhanced by quality color choices as well.
Each of your two designs must exhibit the principles of design. Remember, there is not one correct answer or solution to these projects. There are simply more effective and less effective visual solutions. Your goal is to create the most effective and visually compelling design.
Use the Sizing Template, linked in the Resources under the heading of Capella Resources, for sizing assistance.
Your projects should meet the following requirements:
- The designs must be completed using the fonts you developed for this assessment.
- Designs must be in color.
- Save the font library and design files in JPEG or PDF format for submission.
- Include a brief description of your font choices for each design. Include the rationale for the font choice as it relates to the subject matter and the print or digital format.
- Include a brief description for each design that explains how you used the principles of design to meet the project requirements.
- Most electronic drawing applications provide the option to save your work as a JPEG or PDF file, and you will need to choose a software program with this option to complete your assessment. The suggested programs for this assessment are GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), which is available online for download free of charge, or Microsoft PowerPoint.