BUSI 3004 Walden University Fundamental Issues in Market Plan Discussion

BUSI 3004 Walden University Fundamental Issues in Market Plan Discussion

BUSI 3004 Walden University Fundamental Issues in Market Plan Discussion

Group Case Study

To support the growth of our “community of scholars,” you will collaborate on a team-based Case Study assignment. Your success with this application will depend on your ability to collaborate with others, while providing a thorough analysis


GROUP Requirements:

Each group will produce a case study analysis report. The report should be 1,200–1,500 words (4–5 pages, double-spaced) and respond to the questions found at the end of the respective Case Study. The paper is to follow APA (American Psychological Association) style and format.

A thorough analysis of the key issues in the assignment is to be included in the paper. Make sure to employ the key concepts studied in the text. Each group will be expected to consider and comment on questions such as the following: When answering each questions provide headers for each one and write the answer underneath so I can follow along with each question answered

  • What happened?
  • What was the cause(s)?
  • What was the impact?
  • What was the outcome?
  • What concepts and theories did you notice in your examination that worked and if so, why?
  • What concepts and theories did not work or were ineffective and if so, why?

(I know this is a group assignment but put yourself in the group like you are working as a team and be the analysis) In addition to answering the case study questions, the analysis should provide a brief background for the reader, The analysis should provide a brief background for the reader; identify what the group believes to be the key issues; describe the elements of critical thinking and decision making that came into play; and provide the group’s assessment of what might have been done to change the situation to a positive outcome if necessary.

. Each group will be assigned a case study from the textbook.

Assigned Case Study: CASE 1 TURNER TEST PREP CO. PG 449

Hisrich, R.D., Peters, M.P., & Shepherd, D.A. (2020). Entrepreneurship (11th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.





Each Group Case Study will be evaluated for clarity of writing, critical analysis of the issues, proper use of references to support the positions taken, and the extent to which it addresses the issues specified in the Application according to a grading rubric, which is found in the Rubrics area of the classroom. Your paper will be assessed for: Role Assignment, Shared Responsibility, Participation, Product, and Mechanics.