HUMN 8821 Walden University Local Codes and Ordinances Discussion

HUMN 8821 Walden University Local Codes and Ordinances Discussion

HUMN 8821 Walden University Local Codes and Ordinances Discussion

Over the past several decades, U.S. legislation has targeted several sustainability issues including bioenergy and biofuel, solid and hazardous waste, and air and water pollution. While federal initiatives to address sustainability are important, sustainable development really begins locally. Every community has unique needs and problems that ultimately influence sustainability efforts. For instance, one community may struggle with traffic congestion and focus its efforts on public transit or bicycle paths. Another community may struggle with a lack of green space and focus its efforts on altering land-use and zoning codes and practices. While communities may differ in their sustainability efforts, they all use local codes and ordinances to further sustainable development and positively affect the behaviors of residents. Codes are a set of all jurisdictional provisions of a community and include ordinances. Ordinances are specific laws or decrees made by a local authority. Both are consulted, revised, and updated according to the needs and problems of communities. The purpose of local codes and ordinances is to guide the community on the path intended to advance sustainable development.


To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review the articles “Leverage and Sustainable Communities: Overcoming Policy Obstacles at the Local Level,” “The Moral Imperative for Sustainable Communities,” and “Leaders of the Pack: An Analysis of the Canadian ‘Sustainable Communities’ 2000 Municipal Competition.” Focus on the role and importance of local and regional governments in sustainable community development.
  • Peruse the “Sustainable Community Development Code Beta Version 1.2” resource. Explore the code examples in the following areas: environmental health and natural resources, natural hazards, land use and community character, mobility and transportation, community, healthy neighborhoods, housing, food security, energy, and livability. (Note: You can find the code examples in the Sustainable Community Development Code Framework charts. Code examples are listed in the last column.)
  • Review the “Chicago Commission on Human Relations Ordinance: Chicago Fair Housing Ordinance” and “The City of Santa Monica: Transportation Management Ordinance 1604 – Summary” resources. Consider the ordinances Chicago and Santa Monica implemented and think about how they contribute to sustainability.
  • Reflect on the community you are using for the Final Project. With this in mind, identify at least two local codes and/or ordinances the community would benefit from adopting and consider how and why.


With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 an explanation of the role and importance of local and regional governments in sustainable community development. Then describe two local codes and/or ordinances your community would benefit from adopting and explain how and why. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your explanation.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.