ITEC 8437 Walden University Running Nonparametric & Chi Square Test Report
ITEC 8437 Walden University Running Nonparametric & Chi Square Test Report
The chi-square test is the most important and most used nonparametric test. According to the Green and Salkind text, a one-sample chi-square test “evaluates whether the proportions of individuals who fall into categories of a variable are equal to hypothesized values” (p. 257). Additionally, the Mann-Whitney U test “evaluates whether the medians on a test variable differ significantly between two groups” (p. 270). The Mann-Whitney U test is a nonparametric alternative to the independent-sample t test.
This week, you will use the IT Security Dataset to run the One-Sample Chi-Square Test and the Mann-Whitney U Test.
Use the Assignment Exemplar.
Your paper must include the following elements:
- An APA Results Section for each nonparametric test. (See examples of APA Results Sections in Lessons 40: One-Sample Chi-Square Test (p. 260) and Mann-Whitney U Test (p. 270) of the Green and Salkind text.
- The critical elements of your SPSS output, including:
- A properly formatted research question
- A properly formatted H10 (null) and H1a (alternate) hypothesis
- A descriptive statistics narrative and properly formatted descriptive statistics table (see page 261 and page 272 of the Green and Salkind text)
- A properly formatted frequency distribution graph for the one-sample chi-square (see page 262) and a boxplot for the Mann-Whitney U Test (see page 270)
- A properly formatted inferential APA Results Section (see page 260 and page 270 of the Green and Salkind text)
- An appendix including the SPSS output generated for descriptive and inferential statistics (for SPSS output, see page 261 for the one-sample chi-square and page 272 for the Mann Whitney U test)
Assignment: Running Nonparametric Tests The chi-square test is the most important and most used nonparametric test. According to the Green and Salkind text, a one-sample chi-square test “evaluates whether the proportions of individuals who fall into categories of a variable are equal to hypothesized values” (p. 257). Additionally, the Mann-Whitney U test “evaluates whether the medians on a test variable differ significantly between two groups” (p. 270). The MannWhitney U test is a nonparametric alternative to the independent-sample t test. This week, you will use the IT Security Dataset to run the One-Sample Chi-Square Test and the Mann-Whitney U Test. Submit a 5- to 6-page paper using the Assignment Exemplar. Your paper must include the following elements: • An APA Results Section for each nonparametric test. (See examples of APA