Capella University Week 6 Programming Deliverable Project

Capella University Week 6 Programming Deliverable Project

Capella University Week 6 Programming Deliverable Project

Assignment Instructions

Complete the following steps for this assignment:

  1. List the employee IDs and names for all employees.
  2. List all the product information including name, descriptions, and category names.
  3. List all the orders for a specific customer based on the order date.
  4. List all the customers ordered by last name.
  5. List all product names that have been ordered.
  6. Count the number of orders processed for each employee.
  7. Insert a new unique customer.
  8. Insert a new order for three units of some product.
  9. Update the database to subtract 3 from the quantity available for the previously ordered product.
  10. Take screen shots of your MySQL Workbench screens showing the results of each of the above tasks.




Once you have data in the database, it is important to be able to query the database using SQL statements to retrieve and modify information from the database. Some of these queries will be for reporting, while others can be used to create dynamic input fields such as drop-down boxes. The SQL SELECT statement in its basic structure has the mandatory SELECT clause and the FROM clause. However, many other clauses can be used, including the WHERE and GROUP BY clauses. In addition, you can perform various functions on the columns. The SQL INSERT statement provides a way to add data to a table in a database. The SQL UPDATE statement provides a way to modify data that already exist in a database table. You need to gain some experience using these SQL statements so that you are prepared to use them in your Capestra application.

In this assignment, you will create various SQL statements to interact with the database. These statements (queries) will reflect functionality to be implemented within your application. Use the MySQL Workbench to do all the work in this assignment. Use the provided CreateOES.sql MySQL script to create an ‘orderentrysystem’ database. Use this script and the database that it creates as the base for the following tasks and for all remaining work in this course. This script replaces the one that you developed in Week 5.



Intro to Programming Clarification for Week 6 Deliverable The instructions for Unit 6 need some clarification regarding exactly what you are to do. 1. You MUST use the attached CreateOESv2.sql MySQL script to (re-)create your ‘orderentrysystem’ database. You must use this database for Unit 6 and for ALL later Units. Run this script in MySQL Workbench to create the database that your CapestraApp program uses for the remainder of this course. 2. You are to create the collection of SQL statements specified in the Unit 6 assignment. 3. You must run your SQL statements using MySQL Workbench. 4. You must perform screen captures showing both the SQL statements and the resulting output. The resulting output must be displayed just below each SQL statement. 5. You must paste these screen captures into one single MS Word