Discussion: Ethical Fiscal Matters in Public Organizations
Discussion: Ethical Fiscal Matters in Public Organizations
Many government organizations and the professionals who work within them operate under ethics and accountability codes. Operating under a shared understanding of ethics is in the bestinterest of any organization. Certainly, when this occurs, stakeholders are more likely to gain and maintain trust in the organization. Conversely, when ethics are absent or violated, trust is eroded.
In this Discussion, you describe an actual ethical issue in a public organization related to finance and budgeting, such as pension padding, and consider how the issue is being addressed. Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider some general ethical guidelines for those working in finance and budgeting in public organizations. Then, select a government or non-profit organization with an ethical issue or violation related to finance and budgeting.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post a brief description of the government or non-profit organization you selected. Describe the ethical issue or violation you identified as it relates to finance or budgeting. Using the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Code of Ethics or the ethical guidelines within your organization and/or nation, explain why it is/was an ethical issue or violation. Then, explain how the organization is addressing or has addressed it. If a violation has not occurred, how would you recommend preventing one?
Eskridge, R. D., French, P. E., & McThomas, M. (2012). The international city/county management association code of ethics. Public Integrity, 14(2), 127–150.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Rossmann, D., & Shanahan, E. A. (2012). Defining and achieving normative democratic values in participatory budgeting processes. Public Administration Review, 72(1), 56–66.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.