PSYC4600 Capella University Autism Spectrum Disorder Paper

PSYC4600 Capella University Autism Spectrum Disorder Paper

PSYC4600 Capella University Autism Spectrum Disorder Paper


For this assignment, develop your research paper introduction to communicate your knowledge and understanding of a research topic. Using the Introduction Scoring Guide as a reference, write a paper in which you discuss the following specific points:

  1. An introduction stating the problem and describing the background of the problem.
  2. The purpose and significance of the study.
  3. A preliminary summary of the research method and design.
  4. Guiding research questions or hypotheses.
  5. The assumptions and limitations of the study.
  6. The operational definitions used in the study.
  7. The expected outcomes.


Use the APA Proposal Template to complete this assignment. This template is already designed with headings and subheadings that you must use for proposal development.

  • In your paper, include in-text citations and a reference section at the end.
  • Make sure your paper is formatted based on current APA guidelines. Refer to APA Style Central for guidance in using proper APA style. See the APA Style and Format section of the Writing Center for instructions on accessing and using APA Style Central.
  • Your introduction should be 6–8 pages in length.
  • To ensure you are meeting the objectives of this assignment, review the Introduction Scoring Guide.



J Autism Dev Disord (2009) 39:1608–1612 DOI 10.1007/s10803-009-0791-7 BRIEF REPORT Brief Report: Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Parent-Reported Autism Symptoms in School-Age Children with High-Functioning Autism Jeffrey J. Wood Æ Amy Drahota Æ Karen Sze Æ Marilyn Van Dyke Æ Kelly Decker Æ Cori Fujii Æ Christie Bahng Æ Patricia Renno Æ Wei-Chin Hwang Æ Michael Spiker Published online: 27 June 2009  The Author(s) 2009. This article is published with open access at Abstract This pilot study tested the effect of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) on parent-reported autism symptoms. Nineteen children with autism spectrum disorders and an anxiety disorder (7–11 years old) were randomly assigned to 16 sessions of CBT or a waitlist condition. The CBT program emphasized in vivo exposure supported by parent