Let us assume that Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Locke, and Hume kept daily diaries of their thoughts. Choose one of the ancient Greek philosophers (Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle) and one of the modern European philosophers or protopsychologists (Descartes, Locke, or Hume). Write a diary entry (1–2 page maximum) from each of these gentlemen that discusses a central theme in their respective beliefs. Be creative, but stay factual. Capella University Race and IQ Questions Response
Make sure that you evaluate the points of view or central themes you have identified for each of the two philosophers you have chosen. Include material that illustrates the culture and time period in which they lived. Analyze the influences of social and cultural conditions on the philosophers. Describe how the different perspectives from the different time periods led to distinctive beliefs about social issues.
You do not need an index or abstract for this paper. Use the APA Style Paper Template linked in the Resources.
After carefully reading the article you chose in u03s2, prepare a 3–5 page paper about the controversy that began when Arthur Jensen published an article about racial differences in intelligence. Present both sides of the argument, then analyze which side has the stronger position. Find at least one other scholarly article from the Capella University Library to support your argument. Capella University Race and IQ Questions Response
In your paper:
Describe what factors that intelligence tests measure.
Explain the differences indicated when the terms “nature versus nurture” are used.
Analyze the controversy over using the same intelligence test to compare different cultural groups, and support your analysis with information from professional and scholarly sources.