MHA5014 Capella University Regulatory Environment Executive Summary

MHA5014 Capella University Regulatory Environment Executive Summary

MHA5014 Capella University Regulatory Environment Executive Summary

Create a 3–4-page executive summary of tools and best practices for quality improvement, risk management, and learning guidelines. Include a summary table that describes the status of an organization’s compliance with regulatory requirements.

Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in a sequence.



The scope of the regulatory environment and its requirements are ever-changing. Health care leaders need to know where they can find information about the requirements (within the subsector of the industry) to respond appropriately to issues. In addition, health care leaders need to proactively set strategies in place to mitigate future risks to their patients and organizations.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Conduct an environmental assessment to identify quality- and risk-management priorities for a health care organization.
    • Conduct a proactive assessment based on the existing regulations and requirements.
    • Describe strategies to influence, impact, and monitor the needed changes for quality improvement.
    • Develop a value proposition for change management that incorporates quality- and risk-management concepts.
    • Create an executive summary of a risk-management issue that describes an organization’s compliance with a regulatory requirement.
  • Competency 4: Analyze applicable legal and ethical institution-based values as they relate to quality assessment.
    • Integrate legal and ethical principles and also organizational mission, vision, and values into the decision-making process.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration.
    • Write clearly and concisely, with well-organized communication that is supported by relevant evidence.
    • Use correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics as expected of a graduate learner.



Assessment 1 Context The Regulatory Environment Quality of Services Following the Institute of Medicine (IOM) initial reports on patient safety and medical errors, an increased attention and accountability has been placed on providers to improve the quality of services (2000, 2001). Within the industry, the IOM of the National Academies released a report in 2011 regarding systematic reviews for the promotion of patient safety and related standards. Potential Risks Implicit within the quality care delivery process is the identification of potential risks, which may ultimately affect patient care. As the delivery of care standards are increasingly refined, cost-related metrics also must be monitored. The U.S. government, insurance companies, and other private payers are carefully watching the evolution of care standards and cost