Capella University Unit 9 Miscommunication in Organizations Analysis Paper

Capella University Unit 9 Miscommunication in Organizations Analysis Paper

Capella University Unit 9 Miscommunication in Organizations Analysis Paper

Peer Review

Post your rough draft during unit 9, in order to provide your classmates the opportunity to provide you with suggestions for improvement before you submit your final version to the instructor on Friday of unit 10. In order to maximize the possibility of receiving one or more peer reviews of your draft, you are encouraged to post your draft as early as possible during Unit 9.

Use the Peer Review Feedback Guidelines to provide specific corrective, coaching, or supportive feedback to at least two of your classmates’ presentations. You will be graded on both the timing of your own draft posting as well as the quality of your feedback.


Before beginning this discussion, be sure that you have posted a complete draft of your project and downloaded copies of the projects you will review. In preparation for the peer review activity, read the Capella University Writing Program’s Guidelines for Effective Peer Review.

Then provide feedback to the peers whose projects you agreed to review. List the name of the learner you are providing feedback for in the Subject area of your posting so the learner can easily identify your feedback.

A peer review provides objectivity and a fresh perspective, and can be used to add clarity to your work. The feedback you receive encourages self-reflection, as you consider how to incorporate these comments to revise and strengthen your work. The end result is a stronger body of work.


When giving feedback, address the following criteria using the Guidelines for Effective Peer Review provided in the Resources:

  • Identify the strengths of the work first, then identify areas that would benefit from expansion or clarification.
  • Comment on how well the draft analyzes business communication through specific, theoretically grounded concepts and appropriate methods.
  • Comment on how accurately the draft analyzes the interrelationship of organizational communication, including individual and team relationships, culture, and performance as appropriate.
  • Comment on how well the draft develops personal communication competencies in regard to process understanding, interpersonal sensitivity, communication skills, and ethical responsibility.
  • Comment on how well the draft evaluates organizational communication events and includes recommendations for improvement.
  • Comment on how well the draft complies with APA formatting guidelines for citations and references.
  • Comment on the specific feedback questions posted by the author.

As you respond to each of the items above, provide specific examples from the paper of what is working or not working for you. Also, avoid focusing your comments on issues of grammar and copy editing, but if there are glaring issues within the work, you can mention it. Remember to be constructive and respectful in your comments. The bulk of your feedback should be about how well the learner is achieving the objectives of the project.


When receiving feedback from other learners, you may:

  • Thank them for their time and comments.
  • Ask any follow-up questions regarding their comments.
  • Let them know how their feedback will be used to improve the project.

Be sure to refer to the Organizational Communication course project description as you create your draft and as you provide feedback to your fellow learners.


Respond to at least two other learners following the guidelines outlined above. If needed, ask any questions needed to clarify uncertainty or obtain specific feedback.