Discrimination and Sexual Orientation Masters law
Discrimination and Sexual Orientation Masters law
This assignment is the third of three papers that you will complete for this course. Each paper focuses on specific course competencies to allow you to demonstrate your growing understanding of key areas of competency in this course. This paper addresses the following five course competencies:
- Competency 1: Critically evaluate theories, methods, and research in cross-cultural awareness.
- Competency 2: Analyze the influence of culture on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations.
- Competency 3: Analyze the ethical codes and legal standards related to multicultural issues in the workplace and the community.
- Competency 4: Explain how staying abreast with contemporary cultural diversity issues and research will improve the delivery of public safety.
- Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the public safety and emergency management professions.
Your paper must demonstrate clear knowledge of the subject matter of this week’s readings; however, you should not simply summarize them. This is your opportunity to show that you can build knowledge by incorporating research applications, critical thinking, personal experiences, and contemporary issues related to the topics covered during the past two weeks. Refer to the specific assignment instructions and requirements below.
You are required to use references to support your perspectives. All citations and references should be in APA sixth edition style and formatting. All papers must be written in your own words. Each assignment must be completed on time for full credit. Late assignments will be accepted at the discretion of the instructor, but will be penalized for being tardy.
Utilizing the assigned readings in Unit 8 and six self-identified research articles, two of which are from the Capella University Library, write a 3–5 page paper (excluding title and reference pages) explaining the historical and contemporary discriminatory practices relative to sexual orientation. Your paper should focus on the salient issues of the assigned readings and include well-developed arguments to support your position. In your paper:
- Examine historical and contemporary discriminatory practices related to sexual orientation.
- Compare discriminatory factors related to sexual orientation that promote societal, political, socioeconomic, and spiritual oppression of culturally diverse populations.
- Examine the challenges and societal pressures of developing a cohesive and individualized group identity of GLBT populations, including race, stereotypes, attitudes, values, and their impact on public service organizations.
- Examine ethical and legal concerns relative to sexual orientation, propose workplace interventions, and describe potential ethical and legal dilemmas.
- Critically evaluate the reliability and credibility of the research and explain how it is used to determine scientific merit as it pertains to the field of public safety.
You are required to use references to support your perspectives. All citations and references should be in APA sixth edition style and formatting. The assignment should demonstrate your ability to build knowledge by incorporating research applications, critical thinking, personal experiences, and contemporary issues related to public safety. Each assignment must be completed on time for full credit. Late assignments will be accepted at the discretion of the instructor, but will be penalized for being tardy.
- Font: 12 point Times or Times New Roman, double-spaced.
- Writing: Writing should be clear, organized, and free of errors; it should also follow professional standards.
- Research: At least six academic sources beyond articles and or text used in the course.
- Length: 3–5 pages (not including cover page or reference page).
- Format: Follow APA sixth edition style and formatting requirements.
- Elements of Paper: Include the following components. Consult the Elements of an APA Essay section of the Writing Center’s APA Style and Formatting page for details.
- Cover page.
- Running head.
- Page numbers.
- Abstract or introduction.
- Content.
- Conclusions.
- References.