Unit 5 Assignment: Family in Later Life Interview Results

Unit 5 Assignment: Family in Later Life Interview Results

Unit 5 Assignment: Family in Later Life Interview Results

In Unit 3, you wrote questions and interviewed three families in later life. For this assignment, synthesize and analyze the information you gathered from the interviews. This is the second step in the multidisciplinary approach.


In a 1,250-word paper, complete the following:

  • To synthesize the interview results, summarize and combine the information about the families’ demographics, sociological, physiological, psychological, and cultural aspects.
  • To analyze the interview results, compare and contrast common themes of the families’ demographics, sociological, physiological, psychological, and cultural aspects.
  • Explain the issues or problems that may exist for the families.
  • Predict the impact of the social, political, and environmental aspects on the families based on your interview results.
  • Be sure to integrate the course materials and current literature to support your analysis and synthesis of the interview results.

Write your assignment as if you are the human service and public service leader who is working with these three families in later life. Follow APA guidelines and use your course materials and at least two sources from current professional journals in the field.



Running head: FAMILY IN LATER LIFE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Family in Later Life Interview Questions Stacey Tekansik Capella University 1 FAMILY IN LATER LIFE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 2 Family in Later Life Interview Questions 1. What is your age? This question will provide information about the age of families for comparison purposes 2. What is your religion? This question will shed light on different social-cultural beliefs of families. 3. What is your sexual orientation? This question will tell whether the interviewees are straight or not in terms of sexuality and sexual orientation. 4. What are you end-of-life perspectives? This question will provide information the interviewee’s approach and perception of meaning and purpose of existence. 5. What is your real median household income per year? (a) < $ 5 000 (b) $6 000 – $10 000 (c) $11 000 – $20 000