Ambridge University Business Model Forecasting and Planning SCM Case Study
Conduct a case study analysis on the different characteristics of the supply chain strategy of a company you choose from a list of possibilities, and provide that analysis in a Word document of approximately 800–1000 words.
All operational activities begin with an estimate of what customer demands will be. Production schedules, modes of transportation, warehouse space, and other supply chain activities are all dependent on the accuracy of the company’s demand forecasting. The information management system must provide thorough, accurate, and timely information so that supply chain managers can prepare and execute short and long-term plans. Satisfying the customer is the No. 1 challenge for all demand forecasters.
For this assessment, consider that you work for a company that develops and sells case studies and case study analyses. Your company’s primary customers are colleges and universities wanting to use them within their courses, but your company also has customers using them for management training and development. Your manager asked you to conduct research and develop a case study analysis. She’s specifically interested in you doing the analysis on one of the companies from this list:
- L. L. Bean.
- Starbucks.
- Intel.
- Johnson and Johnson.
Research and write about the company that you have selected from the above list.
You and your manager discussed the high-level outline of your analysis and agreed you should address the following items. As the basis for your research, you can use any of the resources noted in this course, in the Capella library, and on the Internet:
- Describe the organization’s business model (particularly related to their supply chain strategy) and provide a diagram or visual to explicitly describe that same business model.
- Compare and contrast the organization’s supply chain strategy with another organization’s strategy.?
- Analyze the global challenges the organization faces in its supply chain and discuss strategies to minimize the challenges.
- Explain and validate the importance of aggregate planning to the organization’s supply chain and its partners.
- Analyze the role demand forecasting plays in the organization’s supply chain strategy.
- Analyze how pricing promotions are used to change demand.
Based on the intended audience, your report should be well organized and written in clear, succinct language. Target 800–?1000 words. Attributing sources in your professional and academic work supports your analysis and conclusions and demonstrates ethical behavior and academic honesty. Following APA rules for attributing sources provides consistency and ensures that readers can locate original sources if desired.
Academic Integrity and APA Formatting
As a reminder related to using APA rules to ensure academic honesty:
- When using a direct quote (using exact or nearly exact wording), you must enclose the quoted wording in quotation marks, immediately followed by an in-text citation. The source must then be listed in your references page.
- When paraphrasing (using your own words to describe a non-original idea), the paraphrased idea must be immediately followed by an in-text citation and the source must be listed in your references page.