Cappella University HIM Professional Position Paper

Cappella University HIM Professional Position Paper

Cappella University HIM Professional Position Paper

    This assignment has two deliverables:

    1. A 2–3-page executive summary that summarizes the need for the position. This will be presented to the leadership prior to posting the job description and advertising it to potential candidates.
    2. A 1–2-page job description detailing the position of the HIM professional you want to hire.


      Executive Summary

      The purpose of the executive summary is to present a clear case for the need of the HIM professional position to be hired. You should support this need with evidence from your analysis that you completed in the Unit 3 assignment. In your executive summary:

      • Explain an organization’s need for a HIM professional to ensure long-term meaningful use and current incentive program compliance.
      • Analyze the potential financial impacts of hiring a new HIM professional.
        • In other words, what will it cost to hire and employ the new HIM professional versus the potential costs incurred by failing meaningful use compliance or failing to achieve incentives from current programs?
      • Support hiring need and recommendations with specific evidence to encourage buy-in from the leadership.
      Job Description

      The job description will allow you to lay out the desired skills and responsibilities for the HIM professional. It should include a minimum and a preferred education, experience, and training requirement. In your job description:

      • Describe specific job functions of a new health information management professional.
      • Explain the skills and training needed by a new health information management professional to be successful in a position.

      In addition to the points mentioned so far, your assignment will also be assessed using the following criteria:

      • Communicate the need for a HIM professional and their job requirements in a manner that is clear and concise.
      • Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.


      Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

      • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
      • Professional format: The executive summary format is consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration.
      • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
      • Number of resources: 3–5 peer-reviewed resources from scholarly journal articles.
      • Length:
        • Executive summary: 2–3 double-spaced pages, following APA alignment. Page count excludes the title page and reference page. You do not need to write an abstract for this assignment.
        • Job description: 1–2 pages. Job description format should follow a typical job description based on your research.
      • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


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    [u05d1] Unit 5 Discussion 1

    Financial Impacts of New Hires and Creating Stakeholder Buy-In

    For this discussion, you will try to illustrate how the benefits of hiring a HIM professional outweigh the costs associated with the new hire.In your main post:

    • Identify the costs associated with hiring a new HIM professional. Consider costs such as:
      • Advertising the position.
      • Time reviewing resumes and conducting interviews.
      • Onboarding.
      • Compensation package.
    • Identify ways that the new HIM professional will benefit the organization. Consider benefit areas such as:
      • Quality.
      • Patient experience.
      • Employee experience.
      • Finances.
    • Select a stakeholder group of the organization and explain how you could message the benefits of the new hire to appeal directly to that stakeholder group.

    Support your post with at least one peer-reviewed source, using course readings or other scholarly literature. Include APA-formatted in-text citations and accompanying congruent APA-formatted references.