SCM Case Analysis: Forecasting And Planning Assignment
SCM Case Analysis: Forecasting And Planning Assignment
Conduct a case study analysis on the different characteristics of the supply chain of a company you choose and, in 800–1000 words, respond to a series of questions regarding the company’s supply chain strategy.
All operational activities begin with an estimate of what customer demands will be. Production schedules, modes of transportation, warehouse space, and other supply chain activities are all dependent on the accuracy of the company’s demand forecasting. The information management system must provide thorough, accurate, and timely information so that supply chain managers can prepare and execute short and long-term plans. Satisfying the customer is the No. 1 challenge for all demand forecasters.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 1: Design a supply chain to support an organizational strategy.
- Describe an organization’s business model.
- Explain an organization’s supply chain strategy.
- Competency 2: Improve efficiency in the supply chain.
- Analyze the global challenges that an organization faces in its supply chain.
- Explain the importance of aggregate planning to an organization’s supply chain and its partners.
- Describe the role demand forecasting plays in an organization’s supply chain strategy.
- Explain how pricing promotions are used to change demand.
- Competency 4: Communicate in a professional manner that is consistent with the expectations for supply chain managers and participants.
- Exhibit proficiency in writing, critical thinking, and research; adhere to APA style and formatting.
- Blanchard, D. (2010). Supply chain management best practices (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
- Bhatnagar, A. (2009). Textbook of supply chain management. Lucknow, India: Word-Press.
- Drake, M. (2011). Global supply chain management. New York, NY: Business Expert Press.
- Greeff, G., & Ghoshal, R. (2004). Practical e-manufacturing and supply chain management. Oxford, England: Newnes.
- Farooqui, S. U. (2010). Encyclopedia of supply chain management: Volume I. Mumbai, India: Himalaya Books Pvt.
- Farooqui, S. U. (2010). Encyclopedia of supply chain management: Volume II. Mumbai, India: Himalaya Books Pvt.
- Farooqui, S. U. (2010). Encyclopedia of supply chain management: Volume III. Mumbai, India: Himalaya Books Pvt.
- Fujitsu Limited. (2004). Sony marketing (Japan) inc. customer success. Fujitsu. Retrieved from
- Hitachi Consulting. (2009). Six key trends changing supply chain management today: Choosing the optimal strategy for your business. Hitachi Consulting Corporation. Retrieved from
- Sustainable Supply Chain Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved from
- Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2016). Supply chain management: Strategy, planning, and operation(6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Conduct a case study analysis on the different characteristics of the supply chain of a company you choose. Select one company from the list below to focus on:
- L. L. Bean.
- Starbucks.
- Intel.
- Johnson and Johnson.
Research and write about the company that you have selected from the above list and respond to the following questions. You can research your responses in any of the resources noted in this course, in the Capella library, and on the Internet:
- Describe their business model and explain their supply chain strategy.
- Discuss the global challenges that they face in their supply chain.
- Discuss the importance of aggregate planning to their supply chain and their partners.
- What role does demand forecasting play in their supply chain strategy?
- Explain how pricing promotions are used to change demand.
Write your answer in a Microsoft Word document in 800–1000 words. All written assessments should follow APA rules for attributing sources.