Cappella Ethical Concerns of Conducting Research Using Human Participants Paper

Cappella Ethical Concerns of Conducting Research Using Human Participants Paper

Cappella Ethical Concerns of Conducting Research Using Human Participants Paper
  • Use two of the research articles you found in Assessment 1 (References for Assessment 1 listed below). Contemporary published research articles seldom have looming ethical concerns; however, all researchers are solely responsible for their ethical conduct. This not only includes the ethical treatment of participants but also ethics in being truthful about all research procedures and reporting the findings. Reread two of the articles from Assessment 1; pay special attention to the ethical concerns the researchers had to consider when carrying out the study.
  • Using the Capella University Library resources, find and read at least four articles regarding ethics in research.



Bae, K. B., & Skaggs, S. (2019). The impact of gender diversity on performance: The moderating role of industry, alliance network, and family-friendly policies–Evidence from Korea. Journal of Management & Organization25(6), 896-913.

Hofhuis, J., van der Rijt, P. G., & Vlug, M. (2016). Diversity climate enhances work outcomes through trust and openness in workgroup communication. SpringerPlus5(1), 714.

Lin, H. C. (2016). Impact of nurses’ cross‐cultural competence on nursing intellectual capital from a social cognitive theory perspective. Journal of advanced nursing72(5), 1144-1154.

Mazibuko, J. V., & Govender, K. K. (2017). Exploring workplace diversity and organizational effectiveness: A South African exploratory case study. SA Journal of Human Resource Management15, 10.

Wesołowska, K., Hietapakka, L., Elovainio, M., Aalto, A. M., Kaihlanen, A. M., & Heponiemi, T. (2018). The association between cross-cultural competence and well-being among registered native and foreign-born nurses in Finland. PloS one13(12).


In 6–8 pages, write an analysis in which you complete the following:

  1. Begin your paper with an introduction, Explain the purpose of the paper and its contents.
  2. Start with a general discussion of important ethical concerns of conducting research using human participants.
    • Make sure to touch on the ethical treatment of participants and the importance of other ethical behavior required of researchers.
  3. Using your research articles from Assessment 1, identify and analyze the ethical considerations the researchers would have had while planning, conducting, and presenting their research.
    • Note that you are not being asked to find ethical violations but, rather, to identify the aspects of the research where the researchers would have had to exercise ethical behavior, such as in the sampling procedure.
    • Discuss what might have happened if the researchers had not been ethical.
  4. Discuss ethical issues you encounter in your professional life or psychology specialization and how those can be avoided or handled.
  5. End your paper with a summary and conclusion.


  • As much as possible, the assessment should be written in your own words; it may include paraphrased information that is properly cited in the current APA style.
    • If you need to quote, do so sparingly, and make sure you have cited quoted material according to the current APA style.
    • Your assessment needs to demonstrate your understanding of the material, not how well you can quote someone else’s work.
  • Write in a professional tone, without writing errors.
  • Include a title page and references page, using the current APA style.
  • Write 6–8 pages with 1-inch margins, plus a title page and references page. An abstract is not required.
  • Include at least 4 current scholarly or professional resources.
  • Use APA-style headings to organize your paper.
  • Use Times New Roman font, 12 point.
  • Double space.